html_url,id,node_id,tag_name,target_commitish,name,draft,author,prerelease,created_at,published_at,body,repo,reactions,62608891,RE_kwDOBm6k_c4Du1X7,0.61,main,0.61,0,9599,0,2022-03-23T18:12:26Z,2022-03-23T18:14:36Z,"In preparation for Datasette 1.0, this release includes two potentially backwards-incompatible changes. Hashed URL mode has been moved to a separate plugin, and the way Datasette generates URLs to databases and tables with special characters in their name such as `/` and `.` has changed. Datasette also now requires Python 3.7 or higher. See also the [annotated release notes]( - URLs within Datasette now use a different encoding scheme for tables or databases that include ""special"" characters outside of the range of `a-zA-Z0-9_-`. This scheme is explained here: [Tilde encoding]( ([#1657]( - Removed hashed URL mode from Datasette. The new `datasette-hashed-urls` plugin can be used to achieve the same result, see [datasette-hashed-urls]( for details. ([#1661]( - Databases can now have a custom path within the Datasette instance that is independent of the database name, using the `db.route` property. ([#1668]( - Datasette is now covered by a [Code of Conduct]( ([#1654]( - Python 3.6 is no longer supported. ([#1577]( - Tests now run against Python 3.11-dev. ([#1621]( - New [datasette.ensure_permissions(actor, permissions)]( internal method for checking multiple permissions at once. ([#1675]( - New [datasette.check_visibility(actor, action, resource=None)]( internal method for checking if a user can see a resource that would otherwise be invisible to unauthenticated users. ([#1678]( - Table and row HTML pages now include a `` element and return a `Link: URL; rel=""alternate""; type=""application/json+datasette""` HTTP header pointing to the JSON version of those pages. ([#1533]( - `Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Link` is now added to the CORS headers, allowing remote JavaScript to access that header. - Canned queries are now shown at the top of the database page, directly below the SQL editor. Previously they were shown at the bottom, below the list of tables. ([#1612]( - Datasette now has a default favicon. ([#1603]( - `sqlite_stat` tables are now hidden by default. ([#1587]( - SpatiaLite tables `data_licenses`, `KNN` and `KNN2` are now hidden by default. ([#1601]( - SQL query tracing mechanism now works for queries executed in `asyncio` sub-tasks, such as those created by `asyncio.gather()`. ([#1576]( - [datasette.tracer]( mechanism is now documented. - Common Datasette symbols can now be imported directly from the top-level `datasette` package, see [Import shortcuts]( Those symbols are `Response`, `Forbidden`, `NotFound`, `hookimpl`, `actor_matches_allow`. ([#957]( - `/-/versions` page now returns additional details for libraries used by SpatiaLite. ([#1607]( - Documentation now links to the [Datasette Tutorials]( - Datasette will now also look for SpatiaLite in `/opt/homebrew` - thanks, Dan Peterson. ([#1649]( - Fixed bug where [custom pages]( did not work on Windows. Thanks, Robert Christie. ([#1545]( - Fixed error caused when a table had a column named `n`. ([#1228](",107914493,,62620866,RE_kwDOBm6k_c4Du4TC,0.61.1,main,0.61.1,0,9599,0,2022-03-23T18:54:10Z,2022-03-23T20:31:09Z,- Fixed a bug where databases with a different route from their name (as used by the [datasette-hashed-urls plugin]( returned errors when executing custom SQL queries. ([#1682](,107914493,