id,seq,job,repo,uses,name,with,run,env,if 138908,8,27879,140912432,,On macOS with Python 3.10 test with,,pip install sqlite-dump,,matrix.os == 'macos-latest' && matrix.python-version == '3.10' 138866,8,27870,107914493,,Check if cog needs to be run,,"cog --check docs/*.rst ",,matrix.python-version != '3.8' 138813,8,27859,107914493,,Set up the alternate-route demo,,"echo ' from datasette import hookimpl @hookimpl def startup(datasette): db = datasette.get_database(""fixtures2"") db.route = ""alternative-route"" ' > plugins/ cp fixtures.db fixtures2.db ",, 138708,8,27837,207052882,,"Fetch releases, commits, issues, contributors",,"sqlite-utils github.db ""select full_name from repos where owner = 53015001 union select 'simonw/datasette' as full_name union select 'simonw/sqlite-utils' as full_name"" \ --csv --no-headers | while read repo; do github-to-sqlite releases \ github.db $(echo $repo | tr -d '\r'); sleep 10; github-to-sqlite commits \ github.db $(echo $repo | tr -d '\r'); sleep 10; github-to-sqlite tags \ github.db $(echo $repo | tr -d '\r'); sleep 10; github-to-sqlite contributors \ github.db $(echo $repo | tr -d '\r'); sleep 10; github-to-sqlite issues \ github.db $(echo $repo | tr -d '\r'); sleep 10; github-to-sqlite pull-requests \ github.db $(echo $repo | tr -d '\r'); sleep 10; github-to-sqlite issue-comments \ github.db $(echo $repo | tr -d '\r'); sleep 10; github-to-sqlite stargazers \ github.db $(echo $repo | tr -d '\r'); sleep 10; github-to-sqlite workflows \ github.db $(echo $repo | tr -d '\r'); sleep 10; done; # Scrape dependents github-to-sqlite scrape-dependents github.db simonw/datasette simonw/sqlite-utils -v sqlite-utils tables --counts github.db # Delete email addresses from raw_authors sqlite-utils github.db ""update raw_authors set email = ''"" # Fetch emojis github-to-sqlite emojis github.db --fetch # Rebuild FTS tables sqlite-utils rebuild-fts github.db # Populate _analyze_tables_ table sqlite-utils analyze-tables github.db --save",,