html_url,id,node_id,tag_name,target_commitish,name,draft,author,prerelease,created_at,published_at,body,repo,reactions,8546575,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTg1NDY1NzU=,0.12,main,Datasette 0.12,0,9599,0,2017-11-16T15:37:46Z,2017-11-16T16:01:35Z,"- Added `__version__`, now displayed as tooltip in page footer (#108). - Added initial docs, including a changelog (#99). - Turned on auto-escaping in Jinja. - Added a UI for editing named parameters (#96). You can now construct a custom SQL statement using SQLite named parameters (e.g. `:name`) and datasette will display form fields for editing those parameters. [Here's an example](*%29+as+n+from+%28%0D%0A%0D%0Aselect+upper%28%22Animal+name%22%29+as+name+from+%5BAdelaide-City-Council-dog-registrations-2013%5D+where+Breed+like+%3Abreed%0D%0A%0D%0Aunion+all%0D%0A%0D%0Aselect+upper%28Animal_Name%29+as+name+from+%5BAdelaide-City-Council-dog-registrations-2014%5D+where+Breed_Description+like+%3Abreed%0D%0A%0D%0Aunion+all+%0D%0A%0D%0Aselect+upper%28Animal_Name%29+as+name+from+%5BAdelaide-City-Council-dog-registrations-2015%5D+where+Breed_Description+like+%3Abreed%0D%0A%0D%0Aunion+all%0D%0A%0D%0Aselect+upper%28%22AnimalName%22%29+as+name+from+%5BCity-of-Port-Adelaide-Enfield-Dog_Registrations_2016%5D+where+AnimalBreed+like+%3Abreed%0D%0A%0D%0Aunion+all%0D%0A%0D%0Aselect+upper%28%22Animal+Name%22%29+as+name+from+%5BMitcham-dog-registrations-2015%5D+where+Breed+like+%3Abreed%0D%0A%0D%0Aunion+all%0D%0A%0D%0Aselect+upper%28%22DOG_NAME%22%29+as+name+from+%5Bburnside-dog-registrations-2015%5D+where+DOG_BREED+like+%3Abreed%0D%0A%0D%0Aunion+all+%0D%0A%0D%0Aselect+upper%28%22Animal_Name%22%29+as+name+from+%5Bcity-of-playford-2015-dog-registration%5D+where+Breed_Description+like+%3Abreed%0D%0A%0D%0Aunion+all%0D%0A%0D%0Aselect+upper%28%22Animal+Name%22%29+as+name+from+%5Bcity-of-prospect-dog-registration-details-2016%5D+where%22Breed+Description%22+like+%3Abreed%0D%0A%0D%0A%29+group+by+name+order+by+n+desc%3B&breed=pug) which lets you see the most popular names for dogs of different species registered through various dog registration schemes in Australia. - Pin to specific Jinja version. (#100). - Default to not (#98). - Added extra metadata options to publish and package commands. (#92). You can now run these commands like so: datasette now publish mydb.db \ --title=""My Title"" \ --source=""Source"" \ --source_url="""" \ --license=""CC0"" \ --license_url="""" This will write those values into the metadata.json that is packaged with the app. If you also pass `--metadata=metadata.json` that file will be updated with the extra values before being written into the Docker image. - Added simple production-ready Dockerfile (#94) \[Andrew Cutler\] - New `?_sql_time_limit_ms=10` argument to database and table page (#95) - SQL syntax highlighting with Codemirror (#89) \[Tom Dyson\]",107914493,,8652546,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTg2NTI1NDY=,0.13,main,"Datasette 0.13: foreign key, search and filters",0,9599,0,2017-11-25T03:33:39Z,2017-11-25T03:44:46Z,"# 0.13 (2017-11-24) - Search now applies to current filters. Combined search into the same form as filters. Closes [\#133]( - Much tidier design for table view header. Closes [\#147]( - Added `?column__not=blah` filter. Closes [\#148](https://github.c) - Row page now resolves foreign keys. Closes [\#132]() - Further tweaks to select/input filter styling. Refs [\#86]() - thanks for the help, @natbat\! - Show linked foreign key in table cells. - Added UI for editing table filters. Refs [\#86]() - Hide FTS-created tables on index pages. Closes [\#129]() - Add publish to heroku support \[Jacob Kaplan-Moss\] `datasette publish heroku mydb.db` Pull request [\#104]() - Initial implementation of `?_group_count=column`. URL shortcut for counting rows grouped by one or more columns. `?_group_count=column1&_group_count=column2` works as well. SQL generated looks like this: select ""qSpecies"", count(*) as ""count"" from Street_Tree_List group by ""qSpecies"" order by ""count"" desc limit 100 Or for two columns like this: select ""qSpecies"", ""qSiteInfo"", count(*) as ""count"" from Street_Tree_List group by ""qSpecies"", ""qSiteInfo"" order by ""count"" desc limit 100 Refs [\#44]() - Added `--build=master` option to datasette publish and package. The `datasette publish` and `datasette package` commands both now accept an optional `--build` argument. If provided, this can be used to specify a branch published to GitHub that should be built into the container. This makes it easier to test code that has not yet been officially released to PyPI, e.g.: datasette publish now mydb.db --branch=master - Implemented `?_search=XXX` + UI if a FTS table is detected. Closes [\#131]() - Added `datasette --version` support. - Table views now show expanded foreign key references, if possible. If a table has foreign key columns, and those foreign key tables have `label_columns`, the TableView will now query those other tables for the corresponding values and display those values as links in the corresponding table cells. label\_columns are currently detected by the `inspect()` function, which looks for any table that has just two columns - an ID column and one other - and sets the `label_column` to be that second non-ID column. - Don't prevent tabbing to ""Run SQL"" button ([\#117]()) \[Robert Gieseke\] See comment in [\#115]() - Add keyboard shortcut to execute SQL query ([\#115]()) \[Robert Gieseke\] - Allow `--load-extension` to be set via environment variable. - Add support for `?field__isnull=1` ([\#107]()) \[Ray N\] - Add spatialite, switch to debian and local build ([\#114]()) \[Ariel Núñez\] - Added `--load-extension` argument to datasette serve. Allows loading of SQLite extensions. Refs [\#110](). ",107914493,,8841695,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTg4NDE2OTU=,0.14,main,Datasette 0.14: customization edition,0,9599,0,2017-12-10T01:33:24Z,2017-12-10T01:41:14Z,"The theme of this release is customization: Datasette now allows every aspect of its presentation [to be customized]( either using additional CSS or by providing entirely new templates. Datasette's [metadata.json format]( has also been expanded, to allow per-database and per-table metadata. A new `datasette skeleton` command can be used to generate a skeleton JSON file ready to be filled in with per-database and per-table details. The `metadata.json` file can also be used to define [canned queries](, as a more powerful alternative to SQL views. - `extra_css_urls`/`extra_js_urls` in metadata A mechanism in the `metadata.json` format for adding custom CSS and JS urls. Create a `metadata.json` file that looks like this: { ""extra_css_urls"": [ """" ], ""extra_js_urls"": [ """" ] } Then start datasette like this: datasette mydb.db --metadata=metadata.json The CSS and JavaScript files will be linked in the `` of every page. You can also specify a SRI (subresource integrity hash) for these assets: { ""extra_css_urls"": [ { ""url"": """", ""sri"": ""sha384-9qIZekWUyjCyDIf2YK1FRoKiPJq4PHt6tp/ulnuuyRBvazd0hG7pWbE99zvwSznI"" } ], ""extra_js_urls"": [ { ""url"": """", ""sri"": ""sha256-k2WSCIexGzOj3Euiig+TlR8gA0EmPjuc79OEeY5L45g="" } ] } Modern browsers will only execute the stylesheet or JavaScript if the SRI hash matches the content served. You can generate hashes using - Auto-link column values that look like URLs ([\#153]( - CSS styling hooks as classes on the body ([\#153]( Every template now gets CSS classes in the body designed to support custom styling. The index template (the top level page at `/`) gets this: The database template (`/dbname/`) gets this: The table template (`/dbname/tablename`) gets: The row template (`/dbname/tablename/rowid`) gets: The `db-x` and `table-x` classes use the database or table names themselves IF they are valid CSS identifiers. If they aren't, we strip any invalid characters out and append a 6 character md5 digest of the original name, in order to ensure that multiple tables which resolve to the same stripped character version still have different CSS classes. Some examples (extracted from the unit tests): ""simple"" => ""simple"" ""MixedCase"" => ""MixedCase"" ""-no-leading-hyphens"" => ""no-leading-hyphens-65bea6"" ""_no-leading-underscores"" => ""no-leading-underscores-b921bc"" ""no spaces"" => ""no-spaces-7088d7"" ""-"" => ""336d5e"" ""no $ characters"" => ""no--characters-59e024"" - `datasette --template-dir=mytemplates/` argument You can now pass an additional argument specifying a directory to look for custom templates in. Datasette will fall back on the default templates if a template is not found in that directory. - Ability to over-ride templates for individual tables/databases. It is now possible to over-ride templates on a per-database / per-row or per-table basis. When you access e.g. `/mydatabase/mytable` Datasette will look for the following: - table-mydatabase-mytable.html - table.html If you provided a `--template-dir` argument to datasette serve it will look in that directory first. The lookup rules are as follows: Index page (/): index.html Database page (/mydatabase): database-mydatabase.html database.html Table page (/mydatabase/mytable): table-mydatabase-mytable.html table.html Row page (/mydatabase/mytable/id): row-mydatabase-mytable.html row.html If a table name has spaces or other unexpected characters in it, the template filename will follow the same rules as our custom `` CSS classes - for example, a table called ""Food Trucks"" will attempt to load the following templates: table-mydatabase-Food-Trucks-399138.html table.html It is possible to extend the default templates using Jinja template inheritance. If you want to customize EVERY row template with some additional content you can do so by creating a row.html template like this: {% extends ""default:row.html"" %} {% block content %}


This line renders the original block:

{{ super() }} {% endblock %} - `--static` option for datasette serve ([\#160]( You can now tell Datasette to serve static files from a specific location at a specific mountpoint. For example: datasette serve mydb.db --static extra-css:/tmp/static/css Now if you visit this URL: http://localhost:8001/extra-css/blah.css The following file will be served: /tmp/static/css/blah.css - Canned query support. Named canned queries can now be defined in `metadata.json` like this: { ""databases"": { ""timezones"": { ""queries"": { ""timezone_for_point"": ""select tzid from timezones ..."" } } } } These will be shown in a new ""Queries"" section beneath ""Views"" on the database page. - New `datasette skeleton` command for generating `metadata.json` ([\#164]( - `metadata.json` support for per-table/per-database metadata ([\#165]( Also added support for descriptions and HTML descriptions. Here's an example metadata.json file illustrating custom per-database and per-table metadata: { ""title"": ""Overall datasette title"", ""description_html"": ""This is a description with HTML."", ""databases"": { ""db1"": { ""title"": ""First database"", ""description"": ""This is a string description & has no HTML"", ""license_url"": """", ""license"": ""The example license"", ""queries"": { ""canned_query"": ""select * from table1 limit 3;"" }, ""tables"": { ""table1"": { ""title"": ""Custom title for table1"", ""description"": ""Tables can have descriptions too"", ""source"": ""This has a custom source"", ""source_url"": """" } } } } } - Renamed `datasette build` command to `datasette inspect` ([\#130]( - Upgrade to Sanic 0.7.0 ([\#168]( - Package and publish commands now accept `--static` and `--template-dir` Example usage: datasette package --static css:extra-css/ --static js:extra-js/ \ sf-trees.db --template-dir templates/ --tag sf-trees --branch master This creates a local Docker image that includes copies of the templates/, extra-css/ and extra-js/ directories. You can then run it like this: docker run -p 8001:8001 sf-trees For publishing to Zeit now: datasette publish now --static css:extra-css/ --static js:extra-js/ \ sf-trees.db --template-dir templates/ --name sf-trees --branch master - HTML comment showing which templates were considered for a page ([\#171]( ",107914493,,10458641,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTEwNDU4NjQx,0.15,main,Datasette 0.15: sort by column,0,9599,0,2018-04-09T15:48:24Z,2018-04-09T15:55:29Z,"The biggest new feature in this release is the ability to sort by column. On the table page the column headers can now be clicked to apply sort (or descending sort), or you can specify `?_sort=column` or `?_sort_desc=column` directly in the URL. You can try this feature out on [this fivethirtyeight data]( about the ages of different US politicians. - `table_rows` =\> `table_rows_count`, `filtered_table_rows` =\> `filtered_table_rows_count` Renamed properties. Closes [\#194]( - New `sortable_columns` option in `metadata.json` to control sort options. You can now explicitly set which columns in a table can be used for sorting using the `_sort` and `_sort_desc` arguments using `metadata.json`: { ""databases"": { ""database1"": { ""tables"": { ""example_table"": { ""sortable_columns"": [ ""height"", ""weight"" ] } } } } } Refs [\#189]( - Column headers now link to sort/desc sort - refs [\#189]( - `_sort` and `_sort_desc` parameters for table views Allows for paginated sorted results based on a specified column. Refs [\#189]( - Total row count now correct even if `_next` applied - Use .custom\_sql() for \_group\_count implementation (refs [\#150]( - Make HTML title more readable in query template ([\#180]( \[Ryan Pitts\] - New `?_shape=objects/object/lists` param for JSON API ([\#192]( New `_shape=` parameter replacing old `.jsono` extension Now instead of this: /database/table.jsono We use the `_shape` parameter like this: /database/table.json?_shape=objects Also introduced a new `_shape` called `object` which looks like this: /database/table.json?_shape=object Returning an object for the rows key: ... ""rows"": { ""pk1"": { ... }, ""pk2"": { ... } } Refs [\#122]( - Utility for writing test database fixtures to a .db file `python tests/ /tmp/hello.db` This is useful for making a SQLite database of the test fixtures for interactive exploration. - Compound primary key `_next=` now plays well with extra filters Closes [\#190]( - Fixed bug with keyset pagination over compound primary keys Refs [\#190]( - Database/Table views inherit `source/license/source_url/license_url` metadata If you set the `source_url/license_url/source/license` fields in your root metadata those values will now be inherited all the way down to the database and table templates. The `title/description` are NOT inherited. Also added unit tests for the HTML generated by the metadata. Refs [\#185]( - Add metadata, if it exists, to heroku temp dir ([\#178]( \[Tony Hirst\] - Initial documentation for pagination - Broke up test\_app into test\_api and test\_html - Fixed bug with .json path regular expression I had a table called `geojson` and it caused an exception because the regex was matching `.json` and not `\.json` - Deploy to Heroku with Python 3.6.3",107914493,,10542772,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTEwNTQyNzcy,0.16,main,"Datasette 0.16: sort on mobile, better error handling",0,9599,0,2018-04-13T18:28:55Z,2018-04-13T21:10:53Z," - Better mechanism for handling errors; 404s for missing table/database New error mechanism closes [#193]( 404s for missing tables/databases closes [#184]( - long\_description in markdown for the new PyPI - Hide Spatialite system tables. \[Russ Garrett\] - Allow `explain select` / `explain query plan select` [#201]( - Datasette inspect now finds primary\_keys [#195]( - Ability to sort using form fields (for mobile portrait mode) [#199]( We now display sort options as a select box plus a descending checkbox, which means you can apply sort orders even in portrait mode on a mobile phone where the column headers are hidden.",107914493,,10547491,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTEwNTQ3NDkx,0.18,main,Datasette 0.18: units,0,9599,0,2018-04-14T15:36:10Z,2018-04-14T15:45:11Z,"This release introduces [support for units](, contributed by Russ Garrett ([\#203]( You can now optionally specify the units for specific columns using `metadata.json`. Once specified, units will be displayed in the HTML view of your table. They also become available for use in filters - if a column is configured with a unit of distance, you can request all rows where that column is less than 50 meters or more than 20 feet [for example]( - Link foreign keys which don't have labels. \[Russ Garrett\] This renders unlabeled FKs as simple links. Also includes bonus fixes for two minor issues: - In foreign key link hrefs the primary key was escaped using HTML escaping rather than URL escaping. This broke some non-integer PKs. - Print tracebacks to console when handling 500 errors. - Fix SQLite error when loading rows with no incoming FKs. \[Russ Garrett\] This fixes `ERROR: conn=, sql = 'select ', params = {'id': '1'}` caused by an invalid query when loading incoming FKs. The error was ignored due to async but it still got printed to the console. - Allow custom units to be registered with Pint. \[Russ Garrett\] - Support units in filters. \[Russ Garrett\] - Tidy up units support. \[Russ Garrett\] - Add units to exported JSON - Units key in metadata skeleton - Docs - Initial units support. \[Russ Garrett\] Add support for specifying units for a column in `metadata.json` and rendering them on display using [pint](",107914493,,10575542,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTEwNTc1NTQy,0.19,main,Datasette 0.19: plugins preview,0,9599,0,2018-04-17T02:12:21Z,2018-04-17T02:21:51Z,"This is the first preview of the new Datasette plugins mechanism. Only two plugin hooks are available so far - for custom SQL functions and custom template filters. There's plenty more to come - read [the documentation]( and get involved in [the tracking ticket]( if you have feedback on the direction so far. - Fix for `_sort_desc=sortable_with_nulls` test, refs [#216]( - Fixed [#216]( - paginate correctly when sorting by nullable column - Initial documentation for plugins, closes [#213]( - New `--plugins-dir=plugins/` option ([#212]( New option causing Datasette to load and evaluate all of the Python files in the specified directory and register any plugins that are defined in those files. This new option is available for the following commands: datasette serve mydb.db --plugins-dir=plugins/ datasette publish now/heroku mydb.db --plugins-dir=plugins/ datasette package mydb.db --plugins-dir=plugins/ - Start of the plugin system, based on pluggy ([#210]( Uses originally created for the py.test project We're starting with two plugin hooks: `prepare_connection(conn)` This is called when a new SQLite connection is created. It can be used to register custom SQL functions. `prepare_jinja2_environment(env)` This is called with the Jinja2 environment. It can be used to register custom template tags and filters. An example plugin which uses these two hooks can be found at or installed using `pip install datasette-plugin-demos` Refs [#14]( - Return HTTP 405 on InvalidUsage rather than 500. [Russ Garrett] This also stops it filling up the logs. This happens for HEAD requests at the moment - which perhaps should be handled better, but that's a different issue.",107914493,,10645022,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTEwNjQ1MDIy,0.20,main,Datasette 0.20: static assets and templates for plugins,0,9599,0,2018-04-20T14:36:29Z,2018-04-20T14:41:14Z,"Mostly new work on the [Plugins]( mechanism: plugins can now bundle static assets and custom templates, and ``datasette publish`` has a new ``--install=name-of-plugin`` option. - Add col-X classes to HTML table on custom query page - Fixed out-dated template in documentation - Plugins can now bundle custom templates, #224 - Added /-/metadata /-/plugins /-/inspect, #225 - Documentation for --install option, refs #223 - Datasette publish/package --install option, #223 - Fix for plugins in Python 3.5, #222 - New plugin hooks: extra_css_urls() and extra_js_urls(), #214 - /-/static-plugins/PLUGIN_NAME/ now serves static/ from plugins - now gets class=""col-X"" - plus added col-X documentation - Use to_css_class for table cell column classes This ensures that columns with spaces in the name will still generate usable CSS class names. Refs #209 - Add column name classes to s, make PK bold [Russ Garrett] - Don't duplicate simple primary keys in the link column [Russ Garrett] When there's a simple (single-column) primary key, it looks weird to duplicate it in the link column. This change removes the second PK column and treats the link column as if it were the PK column from a header/sorting perspective. - Correct escaping for HTML display of row links [Russ Garrett] - Longer time limit for test_paginate_compound_keys It was failing intermittently in Travis - see #209 - Use application/octet-stream for downloadable databses - Updated PyPI classifiers - Updated PyPI link to",107914493,,10868113,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTEwODY4MTEz,0.21,main,"Datasette 0.21: New _shape=, new _size=, search within columns",0,9599,0,2018-05-05T23:15:38Z,2018-05-05T23:21:33Z,"New JSON `_shape=` options, the ability to set table `_size=` and a mechanism for searching within specific columns. - Default tests to using a longer timelimit Every now and then a test will fail in Travis CI on Python 3.5 because it hit the default 20ms SQL time limit. Test fixtures now default to a 200ms time limit, and we only use the 20ms time limit for the specific test that tests query interruption. This should make our tests on Python 3.5 in Travis much more stable. - Support `_search_COLUMN=text` searches, closes [\#237]( - Show version on `/-/plugins` page, closes [\#248]( - `?_size=max` option, closes [\#249]( - Added `/-/versions` and `/-/versions.json`, closes [\#244]( Sample output: { ""python"": { ""version"": ""3.6.3"", ""full"": ""3.6.3 (default, Oct 4 2017, 06:09:38) \n[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.37)]"" }, ""datasette"": { ""version"": ""0.20"" }, ""sqlite"": { ""version"": ""3.23.1"", ""extensions"": { ""json1"": null, ""spatialite"": ""4.3.0a"" } } } - Renamed `?_sql_time_limit_ms=` to `?_timelimit`, closes [\#242]( - New `?_shape=array` option + tweaks to `_shape`, closes [\#245]( - Default is now `?_shape=arrays` (renamed from `lists`) - New `?_shape=array` returns an array of objects as the root object - Changed `?_shape=object` to return the object as the root - Updated docs - FTS tables now detected by `inspect()`, closes [\#240]( - New `?_size=XXX` querystring parameter for table view, closes [\#229]( Also added documentation for all of the `_special` arguments. Plus deleted some duplicate logic implementing `_group_count`. - If `max_returned_rows==page_size`, increment `max_returned_rows` - fixes [\#230]( - New `hidden: True` option for table metadata, closes [\#239]( - Hide `idx_*` tables if spatialite detected, closes [\#228]( - Added `class=rows-and-columns` to custom query results table - Added CSS class `rows-and-columns` to main table - `label_column` option in `metadata.json` - closes [\#234](",107914493,,11087850,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTExMDg3ODUw,0.22,main,Datasette 0.22: Datasette Facets,0,9599,0,2018-05-20T23:41:47Z,2018-05-20T23:44:19Z,"The big new feature in this release is [facets]( Datasette can now apply faceted browse to any column in any table. It will also suggest possible facets. See the [Datasette Facets]( announcement post for more details. In addition to the work on facets: - Added [docs for introspection endpoints]( - New `--config` option, added `--help-config`, closes #274 Removed the `--page_size=` argument to `datasette serve` in favour of: datasette serve --config default_page_size:50 mydb.db Added new help section: $ datasette --help-config Config options: default_page_size Default page size for the table view (default=100) max_returned_rows Maximum rows that can be returned from a table or custom query (default=1000) sql_time_limit_ms Time limit for a SQL query in milliseconds (default=1000) default_facet_size Number of values to return for requested facets (default=30) facet_time_limit_ms Time limit for calculating a requested facet (default=200) facet_suggest_time_limit_ms Time limit for calculating a suggested facet (default=50) - Only apply responsive table styles to `.rows-and-column` Otherwise they interfere with tables in the description, e.g. on - Refactored views into new `views/` modules, refs #256 - [Documentation for SQLite full-text search]( support, closes #253 - `/-/versions` now includes SQLite `fts_versions`, closes #252",107914493,,11136605,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTExMTM2NjA1,0.22.1,main,Datasette 0.22.1,0,9599,0,2018-05-23T14:00:01Z,2018-05-23T14:04:17Z,"Bugfix release, plus we now use [versioneer]( for our version numbers. - Faceting no longer breaks pagination, fixes #282 - Add ``__version_info__`` derived from `__version__` [Robert Gieseke] This might be tuple of more than two values (major and minor version) if commits have been made after a release. - Add version number support with Versioneer. [Robert Gieseke] Versioneer Licence: Public Domain (CC0-1.0) Closes #273 - Refactor inspect logic [Russ Garrett]",107914493,,11530498,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTExNTMwNDk4,0.23,main,"Datasette 0.23: CSV, SpatiaLite and more",0,9599,0,2018-06-18T15:11:57Z,2018-06-18T15:28:37Z,"This release features CSV export, improved options for foreign key expansions, new configuration settings and improved support for SpatiaLite. See full release notes here:",107914493,,11591352,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTExNTkxMzUy,0.23.1,main,Datasette 0.23.1,0,9599,0,2018-06-21T15:37:13Z,2018-06-21T16:02:44Z,"Minor bugfix release. * Correctly display empty strings in HTML table, closes #314 * Allow “.” in database filenames, closes #302 * 404s ending in slash redirect to remove that slash, closes #309 * Fixed incorrect display of compound primary keys with foreign key references. Closes #319 * Docs + example of canned SQL query using || concatenation. Closes #321 * Correctly display facets with value of 0 - closes #318 * Default ‘expand labels’ to checked in CSV advanced export ",107914493,,11825600,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTExODI1NjAw,0.23.2,main,Datasette 0.23.2,0,9599,0,2018-07-08T05:28:45Z,2018-07-08T05:41:38Z,"Minor bugfix and documentation release. * CSV export now respects `--cors`, fixes #326 * [Installation instructions]( including docker image - closes #328 * Fix for row pages for tables with / in, closes #325",107914493,,12080036,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTEyMDgwMDM2,0.24,main,Datasette 0.24,0,9599,0,2018-07-24T04:34:38Z,2018-07-24T16:51:29Z,"See full release notes here: ",107914493,,29489364,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTI5NDg5MzY0,0.46,main,0.46,0,9599,0,2020-08-09T16:09:07Z,2020-08-09T16:10:47Z,"**Warning:** This release contains a security fix related to authenticated writable canned queries. If you are using this feature you should upgrade as soon as possible. - **Security fix:** CSRF tokens were incorrectly included in read-only canned query forms, which could allow them to be leaked to a sophisticated attacker. See [issue 918]( for details. - Datasette now supports GraphQL via the new [datasette-graphql]( plugin - see [GraphQL in Datasette with the new datasette-graphql plugin]( - Principle git branch has been renamed from `master` to `main`. ([#849]( - New debugging tool: `/-/allow-debug tool` ([demo here]( helps test allow blocks against actors, as described in [Defining permissions with ""allow"" blocks]( ([#908]( - New logo for the documentation, and a new project tagline: ""An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data"". - Whitespace in column values is now respected on display, using `white-space: pre-wrap`. ([#896]( - New `await request.post_body()` method for accessing the raw POST body, see [Request object]( ([#897]( - Database file downloads now include a `content-length` HTTP header, enabling download progress bars. ([#905]( - File downloads now also correctly set the suggested file name using a `content-disposition` HTTP header. ([#909]( - `tests` are now excluded from the Datasette package properly - thanks, abeyerpath. ([#456]( - The Datasette package published to PyPI now includes `sdist` as well as `bdist_wheel`. - Better titles for canned query pages. ([#887]( - Now only loads Python files from a directory passed using the `--plugins-dir` option - thanks, Amjith Ramanujam. ([#890]( - New documentation section on [Publishing to Vercel](",107914493,,29585154,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTI5NTg1MTU0,0.47,main,0.47,0,9599,0,2020-08-12T00:42:47Z,2020-08-12T00:44:52Z,"- Datasette now has [a GitHub discussions forum]( for conversations about the project that go beyond just bug reports and issues. - Datasette can now be installed on macOS using Homebrew! Run `brew install simonw/datasette/datasette`. See [Using Homebrew]( ([#335]( - Two new commands: `datasette install name-of-plugin` and `datasette uninstall name-of-plugin`. These are equivalent to `pip install` and `pip uninstall` but automatically run in the same virtual environment as Datasette, so users don't have to figure out where that virtual environment is - useful for installations created using Homebrew or `pipx`. See [Installing plugins]( ([#925]( - A new command-line option, `datasette --get`, accepts a path to a URL within the Datasette instance. It will run that request through Datasette (without starting a web server) and print out the repsonse. See [datasette --get]( for an example. ([#926](",107914493,,29587652,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTI5NTg3NjUy,0.47.1,main,0.47.1,0,9599,0,2020-08-12T02:37:24Z,2020-08-12T02:38:00Z,- Fixed a bug where the `sdist` distribution of Datasette was not correctly including the template files. ([#930](,107914493,,29616454,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTI5NjE2NDU0,2.15.1,main,2.15.1,0,9599,0,2020-08-12T16:59:48Z,2020-08-12T17:00:27Z,- Now available as a `sdist` package on PyPI in addition to a wheel. ([#133](,140912432,,29625082,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTI5NjI1MDgy,0.47.2,main,0.47.2,0,9599,0,2020-08-12T20:54:33Z,2020-08-12T20:55:28Z,- Fixed an issue with the Docker image [published to Docker Hub]( ([#931](,107914493,,29738457,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTI5NzM4NDU3,0.47.3,main,0.47.3,0,9599,0,2020-08-15T20:56:08Z,2020-08-15T21:03:58Z,- The `datasette --get` command-line mechanism now ensures any plugins using the `startup()` hook are correctly executed. ([#934](,107914493,,29749566,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTI5NzQ5NTY2,0.48,main,0.48,0,9599,0,2020-08-16T18:56:31Z,2020-08-16T18:58:34Z,"- Datasette documentation now lives at []( - `db.is_mutable` property is now documented and tested, see [Database introspection]( - The `extra_template_vars`, `extra_css_urls`, `extra_js_urls` and `extra_body_script` plugin hooks now all accept the same arguments. See [extra_template_vars(template, database, table, columns, view_name, request, datasette)]( for details. ([#939]( - Those hooks now accept a new `columns` argument detailing the table columns that will be rendered on that page. ([#938]( - Fixed bug where plugins calling `db.execute_write_fn()` could hang Datasette if the connection failed. ([#935]( - Fixed bug with the `?_nl=on` output option and binary data. ([#914](",107914493,,29822005,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTI5ODIyMDA1,2.5,main,2.5,0,9599,0,2020-08-18T15:05:50Z,2020-08-18T15:08:20Z,"- New `github-to-sqlite emojis` command for fetching emoji supported by GitHub. [Demo]( #47 - Added table of contents to README. - Switched to GitHub Actions for CI. - Switched default branch to `main` ",207052882,,29999731,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTI5OTk5NzMx,2.16,main,2.16,0,9599,0,2020-08-21T21:02:29Z,2020-08-21T21:05:51Z,"- `--load-extension` option for `sqlite-utils query` for loading SQLite extensions. ([#134]( - New `sqlite_utils.utils.find_spatialite()` function for finding SpatiaLite in common locations. ([#135](",140912432,,30352225,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMwMzUyMjI1,2.16.1,main,2.16.1,0,9599,0,2020-08-28T22:45:11Z,2020-08-28T22:47:02Z,"- `insert_all(..., alter=True)` now works for columns introduced after the first 100 records. Thanks, Simon Wiles! ([#139]( - Continuous Integration is now powered by GitHub Actions. ([#143](",140912432,,30481804,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMwNDgxODA0,0.1,main,0.1,0,9599,0,2020-09-01T06:10:44Z,2020-09-01T06:12:05Z,"- Optimize the FTS table and vacuum the database. #4 - First non-alpha release",197431109,,30536189,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMwNTM2MTg5,0.2,main,0.2,0,9599,0,2020-09-01T20:40:52Z,2020-09-01T20:41:31Z,"- Use Porter stemming by default, allow that to be over-ridden with the new `--tokenize=` option. #2",197431109,,30613603,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMwNjEzNjAz,0.3,main,0.3,0,9599,0,2020-09-02T21:07:13Z,2020-09-02T21:07:44Z,- New `category` column plus default `categories` table. #7,197431109,,30688677,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMwNjg4Njc3,0.4,main,0.4,0,9599,0,2020-09-03T21:09:50Z,2020-09-03T21:11:28Z,"- Working faceted search interface at `/-/beta` #3 - `is_public` column for filtering between public and private data. #11 - New `received` category. #10",197431109,,30690154,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMwNjkwMTU0,0.4.1,main,0.4.1,0,9599,0,2020-09-03T21:40:40Z,2020-09-03T21:41:52Z,- Fixed support for [advanced FTS query syntax]( #13,197431109,,30699190,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMwNjk5MTkw,0.5,main,0.5,0,9599,0,2020-09-04T01:45:35Z,2020-09-04T01:46:16Z,- Custom template displays can now render a point on a map. #12,197431109,,30780951,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMwNzgwOTUx,0.6,main,0.6,0,9599,0,2020-09-05T16:24:11Z,2020-09-05T16:26:06Z,"- Rerun the search query with FTS quoting if a SQLite FTS error occurs. This means searching for e.g. ""#dogfest"" will no longer throw an error, while still supporting advanced SQLite FTS syntax. #14 - Maximum width 100% on images in results - Don't display facet headers if there are no results for that facet.",197431109,,30875333,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMwODc1MzMz,2.17,main,2.17,0,9599,0,2020-09-07T22:08:12Z,2020-09-07T22:08:33Z,"This release handles a bug where replacing rows in FTS tables could result in growing numbers of unneccessary rows in the associated `*_fts_docsize` table. ([#149]( - `PRAGMA recursive_triggers=on` by default for all connections. You can turn it off with `Database(recursive_triggers=False)`. ([#152]( - `table.optimize()` method now deletes unnecessary rows from the `*_fts_docsize` table. ([#153]( - New tracer method for tracking underlying SQL queries, see [Tracing queries]( ([#150]( - Neater indentation for schema SQL. ([#148]( - Documentation for `sqlite_utils.AlterError` exception thrown by in `add_foreign_keys()`.",140912432,,30942758,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMwOTQyNzU4,2.18,main,2.18,0,9599,0,2020-09-08T23:37:28Z,2020-09-08T23:39:21Z,"- `table.rebuild_fts()` method for rebuilding a FTS index, see [Rebuilding a full-text search table]( ([#155]( - `sqlite-utils rebuild-fts data.db` command for rebuilding FTS indexes across all tables, or just specific tables. ([#155]( - `table.optimize()` method no longer deletes junk rows from the `*_fts_docsize` table. This was added in 2.17 but it turns out running `table.rebuild_fts()` is a better solution to this problem. - Fixed a bug where rows with additional columns that are inserted after the first batch of records could cause an error due to breaking SQLite's maximum number of parameters. Thanks, Simon Wiles. ([#145](",140912432,,31288240,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxMjg4MjQw,0.49,main,0.49,0,9599,0,2020-09-14T21:38:24Z,2020-09-14T21:40:11Z,"- Writable canned queries now expose a JSON API, see [JSON API for writable canned queries]( ([#880]( - New mechanism for defining page templates with custom path parameters - a template file called `pages/about/{slug}.html` will be used to render any requests to `/about/something`. See [Path parameters for pages]( ([#944]( - `register_output_renderer()` render functions can now return a `Response`. ([#953]( - New `--upgrade` option for `datasette install`. ([#945]( - New `datasette --pdb` option. ([#962]( - `datasette --get` exit code now reflects the internal HTTP status code. ([#947]( - New `raise_404()` template function for returning 404 errors. ([#964]( - `datasette publish heroku` now deploys using Python 3.8.5 - Upgraded [CodeMirror]( to 5.57.0. ([#948]( - Upgraded code style to Black 20.8b1. ([#958]( - Fixed bug where selected facets were not correctly persisted in hidden form fields on the table page. ([#963]( - Renamed the default error template from `500.html` to `error.html`. - Custom error pages are now documented, see [Custom error pages]( ([#965](",107914493,,31354944,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxMzU0OTQ0,0.49.1,main,0.49.1,0,9599,0,2020-09-15T20:20:15Z,2020-09-15T20:21:16Z,"- Fixed a bug with writable canned queries that use magic parameters but accept no non-magic arguments. (#967) ",107914493,,31441882,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxNDQxODgy,2.6,main,2.6,0,9599,0,2020-09-17T03:54:16Z,2020-09-17T03:55:03Z,- New `github-to-sqlite get /gists` command for making authenticated API calls against any API path. #50 ,207052882,,31501128,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxNTAxMTI4,0.7,main,0.7,0,9599,0,2020-09-17T22:56:01Z,2020-09-17T22:57:09Z,"- Option to sort by relevance / oldest / newest. #21 - Renamed `table` column to `type`. #17 - New `-d` option for passing one or more databases to index. Without this all databases in the config file will be indexed.",197431109,,31501584,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxNTAxNTg0,0.7.1,main,0.7.1,0,9599,0,2020-09-17T23:13:01Z,2020-09-17T23:13:46Z,- Fixed bug with sort orders displayed for the timeline view. #22,197431109,,31547860,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxNTQ3ODYw,0.8,main,0.8,0,9599,0,2020-09-18T22:40:02Z,2020-09-18T22:41:33Z,"- New `template_debug` configuration setting. #25 - Templates now autoescape by default, use `{{|safe }}` if you know you want HTML not to be escaped. - Fixed bug where the wrong template fragment could be used for a row. #24 - Sort order is now persisted when you execute a new search. #23 ",197431109,,31581701,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxNTgxNzAx,2.19,main,2.19,0,9599,0,2020-09-20T22:22:56Z,2020-09-20T22:24:04Z,"- New `sqlite-utils add-foreign-keys` command for [Adding multiple foreign keys at once]( ([#157]( - New `table.enable_fts(..., replace=True)` argument for replacing an existing FTS table with a new configuration. ([#160]( - New `table.add_foreign_key(..., ignore=True)` argument for ignoring a foreign key if it already exists. ([#112](",140912432,,31680849,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxNjgwODQ5,2.20,main,2.20,0,9599,0,2020-09-23T00:35:52Z,2020-09-23T00:37:01Z,"This release introduces two key new capabilities: **transform** ([#114]( and **extract** ([#42]( ### Transform SQLite's ALTER TABLE has [several documented limitations]( The `table.transform()` Python method and `sqlite-utils transform` CLI command work around these limitations using a pattern where a new table with the desired structure is created, data is copied over to it and the old table is then dropped and replaced by the new one. You can use these tools to drop columns, change column types, rename columns, add and remove `NOT NULL` and defaults, remove foreign key constraints and more. See the [transforming tables (CLI)]( and [transforming tables (Python library)]( documentation for full details of how to use them. ### Extract Sometimes a database table - especially one imported from a CSV file - will contain duplicate data. A `Trees` table may include a `Species` column with only a few dozen unique values, when the table itself contains thousands of rows. The `table.extract()` method and `sqlite-utils extract` commands can extract a column - or multiple columns - out into a separate lookup table, and set up a foreign key relationship from the original table. The Python library [extract() documentation]( describes how extraction works in detail, and [Extracting columns into a separate table]( in the CLI documentation includes a detailed example. ### Other changes - The `@db.register_function` decorator can be used to quickly register Python functions as custom SQL functions, see [Registering custom SQL functions]( ([#162]( - The `table.rows_where()` method now accepts an optional `select=` argument for specifying which columns should be selected, see [Listing rows](",140912432,,31773390,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxNzczMzkw,2.21,main,2.21,0,9599,0,2020-09-24T16:44:30Z,2020-09-24T16:45:44Z,"- `table.extract()` and `sqlite-utils extract` now apply much, much faster - one example operation reduced from twelve minutes to just four seconds! ([#172]( - `sqlite-utils extract` no longer shows a progress bar, because it's fast enough not to need one. - New `column_order=` option for `table.transform()` which can be used to alter the order of columns in a table. ([#175]( - `sqlite-utils transform --column-order=` option (with a `-o` shortcut) for changing column order. ([#176]( - The `table.transform(drop_foreign_keys=)` parameter and the `sqlite-utils transform --drop-foreign-key` option have changed. They now accept just the name of the column rather than requiring all three of the column, other table and other column. This is technically a backwards-incompatible change but I chose not to bump the major version number because the transform feature is so new. ([#177]( - The table `.disable_fts()`, `.rebuild_fts()`, `.delete()`, `.delete_where()` and `.add_missing_columns()` methods all now `return self`, which means they can be chained together with other table operations.",140912432,,32384200,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMyMzg0MjAw,0.50,main,0.50,0,9599,0,2020-10-09T17:57:55Z,2020-10-09T17:58:27Z,"The key new feature in this release is the **column actions** menu on the table page ([#891]( This can be used to sort a column in ascending or descending order, facet data by that column or filter the table to just rows that have a value for that column. Plugin authors can use the new [datasette.client]( object to make internal HTTP requests from their plugins, allowing them to make use of Datasette's JSON API. ([#943]( New [Deploying Datasette]( documentation with guides for deploying Datasette on a Linux server [using systemd]( or to hosting providers [that support buildpacks]( ([#514](, [#997]( Other improvements in this release: - [Publishing to Google Cloud Run]( documentation now covers Google Cloud SDK options. Thanks, Geoffrey Hing. ([#995]( - New `datasette -o` option which opens your browser as soon as Datasette starts up. ([#970]( - Datasette now sets `sqlite3.enable_callback_tracebacks(True)` so that errors in custom SQL functions will display tracebacks. ([#891]( - Fixed two rendering bugs with column headers in portrait mobile view. ([#978](, [#980]( - New `db.table_column_details(table)` introspection method for retrieving full details of the columns in a specific table, see [Database introspection]( - Fixed a routing bug with custom page wildcard templates. ([#996]( - `datasette publish heroku` now deploys using Python 3.8.6. - New `datasette publish heroku --tar=` option. ([#969]( - `OPTIONS` requests against HTML pages no longer return a 500 error. ([#1001]( - Datasette now supports Python 3.9.",107914493,,32395303,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMyMzk1MzAz,0.50.1,main,0.50.1,0,9599,0,2020-10-10T00:41:35Z,2020-10-10T00:44:23Z,"- Fixed a bug introduced in 0.50 where the export as JSON/CSV links on the table, row and query pages were broken. (#1010) ",107914493,,32397338,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMyMzk3MzM4,0.50.2,main,0.50.2,0,9599,0,2020-10-10T03:53:47Z,2020-10-10T03:59:18Z,"* Fixed another bug introduced in 0.50 where column header links on the table page were broken. (#1011) ",107914493,,32428098,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMyNDI4MDk4,0.1,main,0.1,0,9599,0,2020-10-11T21:46:09Z,2020-10-11T21:47:39Z,"- Initial release, with support for importing ENEX files.",303218369,,32429687,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMyNDI5Njg3,0.2,main,0.2,0,9599,0,2020-10-12T00:05:21Z,2020-10-12T00:07:24Z,"- Notes now use an ID derived from a hash of their contents. #3 - Date columns are now in ISO format, and indexd. #4 - Notes and resources table now have full-text search configured. #4 - Improved how OCR is stored in the database, only storing the most confident matches. #6",303218369,,32470830,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMyNDcwODMw,0.3.2,main,0.3.2,0,9599,0,2020-10-12T20:31:24Z,2020-10-12T20:33:48Z,"- Fix for ""table photos has no column named hasSticker"" bug, thanks @mattiaborsoi. #10 - Switched CI to GitHub Actions.",205429375,,32688819,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMyNjg4ODE5,2.22,main,2.22,0,9599,0,2020-10-16T19:30:25Z,2020-10-16T19:31:45Z,"- New `--encoding` option for processing CSV and TSV files that use a non-utf-8 encoding, for both the `insert` and `update` commands. ([#182]( - The `--load-extension` option is now available to many more commands. ([#137]( - `--load-extension=spatialite` can be used to load SpatiaLite from common installation locations, if it is available. ([#136]( - Tests now also run against Python 3.9. ([#184]( - Passing `pk=[""id""]` now has the same effect as passing `pk=""id""`. ([#181](",140912432,,32712413,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMyNzEyNDEz,1.0,main,1.0,0,9599,0,2020-10-17T21:15:29Z,2020-10-17T21:17:34Z,"- Fixed a bug where export files generated in languages other than English failed to import. #11 - CI now uses GitHub Actions",197882382,,32713381,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMyNzEzMzgx,0.9,main,0.9,0,9599,0,2020-10-17T23:01:38Z,2020-10-17T23:03:04Z,"- Facet by date. #16 - Now depends on [Datasette 0.50.2]( - Uses `datasette.client` and passes through authentication cookies. #28 ",197431109,,32736481,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMyNzM2NDgx,2.7,main,2.7,0,9599,0,2020-10-19T05:36:32Z,2020-10-19T05:38:34Z,"- `github-to-sqlite repos` command now takes options `--readme` and `--readme-html`, which write the README or rendered HTML README into the `readme` or `readme_html` columns, respectively. #52 - New `--accept` option for `github-to-sqlite get`. #50",207052882,,33188958,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMzMTg4OTU4,2.23,main,2.23,0,9599,0,2020-10-28T21:38:10Z,2020-10-28T21:38:54Z,"- `table.m2m(other_table, records)` method now takes any iterable, not just a list or tuple. Thanks, Adam Wolf. ([#189]( - `sqlite-utils insert` now displays a progress bar for CSV or TSV imports. ([#173]( - New `@db.register_function(deterministic=True)` option for registering deterministic SQLite functions in Python 3.8 or higher. ([#191](",140912432,,33311677,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMzMzExNjc3,0.51,main,0.51,0,9599,0,2020-10-31T22:24:54Z,2020-10-31T22:29:33Z,"A new visual design, plugin hooks for adding navigation options, better handling of binary data, URL building utility methods and better support for running Datasette behind a proxy. ### New visual design Datasette is no longer white and grey with blue and purple links! [Natalie Downe]( has been working on a visual refresh, the first iteration of which is included in this release. ([#1056]( ![datasette-0 51]( ### Plugins can now add links within Datasette A number of existing Datasette plugins add new pages to the Datasette interface, providig tools for things like [uploading CSVs](, [editing table schemas]( or [configuring full-text search]( Plugins like this can now link to themselves from other parts of Datasette interface. The [menu_links(datasette, actor)]( hook ([#1064]( lets plugins add links to Datasette's new top-right application menu, and the [table_actions(datasette, actor, database, table)]( hook ([#1066]( adds links to a new ""table actions"" menu on the table page. The demo at []( now includes some example plugins. To see the new table actions menu first [sign into that demo as root]( and then visit the [facetable]( table to see the new cog icon menu at the top of the page. ### Binary data SQLite tables can contain binary data in `BLOB` columns. Datasette now provides links for users to download this data directly from Datasette, and uses those links to make binary data available from CSV exports. See [Binary data]( for more details. ([#1036]( and [#1034]( ### URL building The new [datasette.urls]( family of methods can be used to generate URLs to key pages within the Datasette interface, both within custom templates and Datasette plugins. See [Building URLs within plugins]( for more details. ([#904]( ### Running Datasette behind a proxy The [base_url]( configuration option is designed to help run Datasette on a specific path behind a proxy - for example if you want to run an instance of Datasette at `/my-datasette/` within your existing site's URL hierarchy, proxied behind nginx or Apache. Support for this configuration option has been greatly improved ([#1023](, and guidelines for using it are now available in a new documentation section on [Running Datasette behind a proxy]( ([#1027]( ### Smaller changes - Wide tables shown within Datasette now scroll horizontally ([#998]( This is achieved using a new `
` element which may impact the implementation of some plugins (for example [this change to datasette-cluster-map]( - New [debug-menu]( permission. ([#1068]( - Removed `--debug` option, which didn't do anything. ([#814]( - `Link:` HTTP header pagination. ([#1014]( - `x` button for clearing filters. ([#1016]( - Edit SQL button on canned queries, ([#1019]( - `--load-extension=spatialite` shortcut. ([#1028]( - scale-in animation for column action menu. ([#1039]( - Option to pass a list of templates to `.render_template()` is now documented. ([#1045]( - New `datasette.urls.static_plugins()` method. ([#1033]( - `datasette -o` option now opens the most relevant page. ([#976]( - `datasette --cors` option now enables access to `/database.db` downloads. ([#1057]( - Database file downloads now implement cascading permissions, so you can download a database if you have `view-database-download` permission even if you do not have permission to access the Datasette instance. ([#1058]( - New documentation on [Designing URLs for your plugin]( ([#1053](",107914493,,33314301,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMzMzE0MzAx,0.51.1,main,0.51.1,0,9599,0,2020-11-01T03:33:47Z,2020-11-01T03:34:36Z,- Improvements to the new [Binary data]( documentation page.,107914493,,33615120,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMzNjE1MTIw,3.0,main,3.0,0,9599,0,2020-11-08T17:23:38Z,2020-11-08T17:24:27Z,"This release introduces a new `sqlite-utils search` command for searching tables, see [Executing searches]( ([#192]( The `` method has been redesigned, see [Searching with]( ([#197]( The release includes minor backwards-incompatible changes, hence the version bump to 3.0. Those changes, which should not affect most users, are: - The `-c` shortcut option for outputting CSV is no longer available. The full `--csv` option is required instead. - The `-f` shortcut for `--fmt` has also been removed - use `--fmt`. - The `` method now defaults to sorting by relevance, not sorting by `rowid`. ([#198]( - The `` method now returns a generator over a list of Python dictionaries. It previously returned a list of tuples. Also in this release: - The `query`, `tables`, `rows` and `search` CLI commands now accept a new `--tsv` option which outputs the results in TSV. ([#193]( - A new `table.virtual_table_using` property reveals if a table is a virtual table, and returns the upper case type of virtual table (e.g. `FTS4` or `FTS5`) if it is. It returns `None` if the table is not a virtual table. ([#196]( - The new `table.search_sql()` method returns the SQL for searching a table, see [Building SQL queries with table.search_sql()]( - `sqlite-utils rows` now accepts multiple optional `-c` parameters specifying the columns to return. ([#200]( Changes since the 3.0a0 alpha release: - The `sqlite-utils search` command now defaults to returning every result, unless you add a `--limit 20` option. - The `sqlite-utils search -c` and `[])` options are now fully respected. ([#201](",140912432,,34539374,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM0NTM5Mzc0,0.52,main,0.52,0,9599,0,2020-11-28T23:54:35Z,2020-11-28T23:57:12Z,"This release includes a number of changes relating to an internal rebranding effort: Datasette's **configuration** mechanism (things like `datasette --config default_page_size:10`) has been renamed to **settings**. - New `--setting default_page_size 10` option as a replacement for `--config default_page_size:10` (note the lack of a colon). The `--config` option is deprecated but will continue working until Datasette 1.0. ([#992]( - The `/-/config` introspection page is now `/-/settings`, and the previous page redirects to the new one. ([#1103]( - The `config.json` file in [Configuration directory mode]( is now called `settings.json`. ([#1104]( - The undocumented `datasette.config()` internal method has been replaced by a documented [.setting(key)]( method. ([#1107]( Also in this release: - New plugin hook: [database_actions(datasette, actor, database)](, which adds menu items to a new cog menu shown at the top of the database page. ([#1077]( - `datasette publish cloudrun` has a new `--apt-get-install` option that can be used to install additional Ubuntu packages as part of the deployment. This is useful for deploying the new [datasette-ripgrep plugin]( ([#1110]( - Swept the documentation to remove words that minimize involved difficulty. ([#1089]( And some bug fixes: - Foreign keys linking to rows with blank label columns now display as a hyphen, allowing those links to be clicked. ([#1086]( - Fixed bug where row pages could sometimes 500 if the underlying queries exceeded a time limit. ([#1088]( - Fixed a bug where the table action menu could appear partially obscured by the edge of the page. ([#1084](",107914493,,34551688,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM0NTUxNjg4,0.52.1,main,0.52.1,0,9599,0,2020-11-29T19:38:29Z,2020-11-29T19:39:52Z,"- Documentation on [Testing plugins]( now recommends using [datasette.client]( ([#1102]( - Fix bug where compound foreign keys produced broken links. ([#1098]( - `datasette --load-module=spatialite` now also checks for `/usr/local/lib/`. Thanks, Dan Peterson. ([#1114](",107914493,,34556308,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM0NTU2MzA4,2.8,main,2.8,0,9599,0,2020-11-30T01:40:37Z,2020-11-30T01:41:38Z,"- New command: `github-to-sqlite workflows`, for fetching the YAML configuration used by [GitHub Actions]( workflows and using it to populate new `workflows`, `jobs` and `steps` tables. #54 - New command: `github-to-sqlite pull-requests` - thanks, @adamjonas! #48 - `github-to-sqlite issues --issue` option can now be used multiple times.",207052882,,34558928,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM0NTU4OTI4,2.8.1,main,2.8.1,0,9599,0,2020-11-30T04:16:41Z,2020-11-30T04:18:21Z,"- README now links to example database tables for each command. #56 - Added documentation for `github-to-sqlite releases`.",207052882,,34725716,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM0NzI1NzE2,0.52.2,main,0.52.2,0,9599,0,2020-12-03T00:57:40Z,2020-12-03T00:58:43Z,"- Generated columns from SQLite 3.31.0 or higher are now correctly displayed. ([#1116]( - Error message if you attempt to open a SpatiaLite database now suggests using `--load-extension=spatialite` if it detects that the extension is available in a common location. ([#1115]( - `OPTIONS` requests against the `/database` page no longer raise a 500 error. ([#1100]( - Databases larger than 32MB that are published to Cloud Run can now be downloaded. ([#749]( - Fix for misaligned cog icon on table and database pages. Thanks, Abdussamet Koçak. ([#1121](",107914493,,34782337,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM0NzgyMzM3,0.52.3,main,0.52.3,0,9599,0,2020-12-03T19:07:05Z,2020-12-03T19:08:29Z,- Fixed bug where static assets would 404 for Datasette installed on ARM Amazon Linux. ([#1124](>)),107914493,,34882011,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM0ODgyMDEx,0.52.4,main,0.52.4,0,9599,0,2020-12-05T19:42:42Z,2020-12-05T19:42:57Z,"- Show [pysqlite3]( version on `/-/versions`, if installed. ([#1125]( - Errors output by Datasette (e.g. for invalid SQL queries) now go to `stderr`, not `stdout`. ([#1131]( - Fix for a startup error on windows caused by unnecessary `from os import EX_CANTCREAT` - thanks, Abdussamet Koçak. ([#1094](",107914493,,35131848,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM1MTMxODQ4,0.53,main,0.53,0,9599,0,2020-12-11T01:44:36Z,2020-12-11T01:46:44Z,"Datasette has an official project website now, at . This release mainly updates the documentation to reflect the new site. - New `?column__arraynotcontains=` table filter. ([#1132]( - `datasette serve` has a new `--create` option, which will create blank database files if they do not already exist rather than exiting with an error. ([#1135]( - New `?_header=off` option for CSV export which omits the CSV header row, [documented here]( ([#1133]( - ""Powered by Datasette"" link in the footer now links to . ([#1138]( - Project news no longer lives in the README - it can now be found at . ([#1137](",107914493,,35200016,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM1MjAwMDE2,3.1,main,3.1,0,9599,0,2020-12-13T07:30:59Z,2020-12-13T07:31:40Z,"- New command: `sqlite-utils analyze-tables my.db` outputs useful information about the table columns in the database, such as the number of distinct values and how many rows are null. See [Analyzing tables]( for documentation. ([#207]( - New `table.analyze_column(column)` Python method used by the `analyze-tables` command - see [Analyzing a column]( - The `table.update()` method now correctly handles values that should be stored as JSON. Thanks, Andreas Madsack. ([#204](",140912432,,35374715,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM1Mzc0NzE1,2.8.2,main,2.8.2,0,9599,0,2020-12-16T19:20:36Z,2020-12-16T19:21:58Z,"- `--readme` now stores `null` if the README file does not exist, rather than throwing an error. #57 - README HTML is rewritten to fix broken internal links, e.g. for a table of contents. #58 ",207052882,,35382391,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM1MzgyMzkx,0.10,main,0.10,0,9599,0,2020-12-16T21:27:04Z,2020-12-16T21:28:13Z,"- Now depends on [sqlite-utils]( >= 3.0. #30 - The user's original search term is now passed to the `display_sql` SQL query as the `:q` parameter. #29 ",197431109,,35520026,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM1NTIwMDI2,0.10.1,main,0.10.1,0,9599,0,2020-12-19T06:18:01Z,2020-12-19T06:19:13Z,- Fix for error if search query contains hyphens such as `github-to-sqlite`. #31 ,197431109,,35902315,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM1OTAyMzE1,3.1.1,main,3.1.1,0,9599,0,2021-01-01T23:56:20Z,2021-01-01T23:57:07Z,"- Fixed failing test caused by `optimize` sometimes creating larger database files. ([#209]( - Documentation now lives on - README now includes `brew install sqlite-utils` installation method.",140912432,,35930040,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM1OTMwMDQw,3.2,main,3.2,0,9599,0,2021-01-03T21:15:26Z,2021-01-03T21:17:37Z,"This release introduces a new mechanism for speeding up `count(*)` queries using cached table counts, stored in a `_counts` table and updated by triggers. This mechanism is described in [Cached table counts using triggers](, and can be enabled using Python API methods or the new `enable-counts` CLI command. ([#212]( - `table.enable_counts()` method for enabling these triggers on a specific table. - `db.enable_counts()` method for enabling triggers on every table in the database. ([#213]( - New `sqlite-utils enable-counts my.db` command for enabling counts on all or specific tables, see [Enabling cached counts]( ([#214]( - New `sqlite-utils triggers` command for listing the triggers defined for a database or specific tables, see [Listing triggers]( ([#218]( - New `db.use_counts_table` property which, if `True`, causes `table.count` to read from the `_counts` table. ([#215]( - `table.has_counts_triggers` property revealing if a table has been configured with the new `_counts` database triggers. - `db.reset_counts()` method and `sqlite-utils reset-counts` command for resetting the values in the `_counts` table. ([#219]( - The previously undocumented `db.escape()` method has been renamed to `db.quote()` and is now covered by the documentation: [Quoting strings for use in SQL]( ([#217]( - New `table.triggers_dict` and `db.triggers_dict` introspection properties. ([#211](, [#216]( - `sqlite-utils insert` now shows a more useful error message for invalid JSON. ([#206](",140912432,,36307444,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM2MzA3NDQ0,3.2.1,main,3.2.1,0,9599,0,2021-01-12T23:22:53Z,2021-01-12T23:23:25Z,- Fixed a bug where `.add_missing_columns()` failed to take case insensitive column names into account. ([#221](,140912432,,36530216,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM2NTMwMjE2,3.3,main,3.3,0,9599,0,2021-01-18T04:28:24Z,2021-01-18T04:29:48Z,- The `table.m2m()` method now accepts an optional `alter=True` argument to specify that any missing columns should be added to the referenced table. See [Working with many-to-many relationships]( ([#222](,140912432,,36530359,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM2NTMwMzU5,0.3.3,main,0.3.3,0,9599,0,2021-01-18T04:34:56Z,2021-01-18T04:36:03Z,- Fixed bug where tool could crash with an error about missing columns. #11,205429375,,36871901,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTM2ODcxOTAx,0.54,main,0.54,0,9599,0,2021-01-25T17:35:06Z,2021-01-25T17:36:30Z,"The two big new features in this release are the `_internal` SQLite in-memory database storing details of all connected databases and tables, and support for JavaScript modules in plugins and additional scripts. For additional commentary on this release, see [Datasette 0.54, the annotated release notes]( ### The _internal database As part of ongoing work to help Datasette handle much larger numbers of connected databases and tables (see [Datasette Library]( Datasette now maintains an in-memory SQLite database with details of all of the attached databases, tables, columns, indexes and foreign keys. ([#1150]( This will support future improvements such as a searchable, paginated homepage of all available tables. You can explore an example of this database by [signing in as root]( to the `` demo instance and then navigating to []( Plugins can use these tables to introspect attached data in an efficient way. Plugin authors should note that this is not yet considered a stable interface, so any plugins that use this may need to make changes prior to Datasette 1.0 if the `_internal` table schemas change. ### Named in-memory database support As part of the work building the `_internal` database, Datasette now supports named in-memory databases that can be shared across multiple connections. This allows plugins to create in-memory databases which will persist data for the lifetime of the Datasette server process. ([#1151]( The new `memory_name=` parameter to the [Database class]( can be used to create named, shared in-memory databases. ### JavaScript modules [JavaScript modules]( were introduced in ECMAScript 2015 and provide native browser support for the `import` and `export` keywords. To use modules, JavaScript needs to be included in `