sha,message,author_date,committer_date,raw_author,raw_committer,repo,author,committer 0091dfe3e5a3db94af8881038d3f1b8312bb857d,"More reliable tie-break ordering for facet results I was seeing a weird bug where the order of results running tests on my laptop was inconsistent, causing pytest failures even though the order of tests in Travis CI was fine. I think the fix is to explicitly state how facet ordering ties on the count should be resolved.",2020-02-13T06:36:42Z,2020-02-13T06:36:42Z,13ae486343ea6454a93114c6f558ffea2f2c6874,13ae486343ea6454a93114c6f558ffea2f2c6874,107914493,9599,9599