html_url,issue_url,id,node_id,user,created_at,updated_at,author_association,body,reactions,issue,performed_via_github_app,,642953605,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDY0Mjk1MzYwNQ==,9599,2020-06-11T22:02:32Z,2020-06-11T22:02:32Z,OWNER,`datasette-auth-tokens` can be the name. I can get a simple initial version of it running pretty quickly.,"{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",635108074,,,642952962,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDY0Mjk1Mjk2Mg==,9599,2020-06-11T22:01:58Z,2020-06-11T22:01:58Z,OWNER,"Alternative idea: a plugin that handles Bearer token authentication. Uses `metadata.json` with secret plugin values to map an incoming token to an actor dictionary, which can then be mapped to permissions.","{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",635108074,,,642951150,MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDY0Mjk1MTE1MA==,9599,2020-06-11T22:00:17Z,2020-06-11T22:00:17Z,OWNER,"I got this working:

Just one problem: it uses the existing `ds_actor` cookie, which means it doesn't actually exercise the `actor_from_request` plugin!

It does use `register_routes` though.","{""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",635108074,