2 rows where issue = 585626199, "updated_at" is on date 2020-03-24 and user = 9599 sorted by updated_at descending
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: created_at (date), updated_at (date)
issue 1
- is no longer updating · 2 ✖
id | html_url | issue_url | node_id | user | created_at | updated_at ▲ | author_association | body | reactions | issue | performed_via_github_app |
603561207 | | | MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDYwMzU2MTIwNw== | simonw 9599 | 2020-03-24T23:42:42Z | 2020-03-24T23:42:42Z | OWNER | I'd like to still provide URLs for every named release, but I'm not sure how to best automate the provisioning of those subdomains. For the moment I'm going to focus on getting |
{ "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 } | is no longer updating 585626199 | |
603560898 | | | MDEyOklzc3VlQ29tbWVudDYwMzU2MDg5OA== | simonw 9599 | 2020-03-24T23:41:32Z | 2020-03-24T23:41:32Z | OWNER | I can switch over to deploying that using Cloud Run. Unfortunately if I move away from Zeit Now v1 (since it's no longer supported and might stop working) I don't think I'll be able to deploy a permanent URL for every commit hash that I push any more, which is a real shame. |
{ "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 } | is no longer updating 585626199 |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE [issue_comments] ( [html_url] TEXT, [issue_url] TEXT, [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, [node_id] TEXT, [user] INTEGER REFERENCES [users]([id]), [created_at] TEXT, [updated_at] TEXT, [author_association] TEXT, [body] TEXT, [reactions] TEXT, [issue] INTEGER REFERENCES [issues]([id]) , [performed_via_github_app] TEXT); CREATE INDEX [idx_issue_comments_issue] ON [issue_comments] ([issue]); CREATE INDEX [idx_issue_comments_user] ON [issue_comments] ([user]);
user 1