id,node_id,number,title,user,state,locked,assignee,milestone,comments,created_at,updated_at,closed_at,author_association,pull_request,body,repo,type,active_lock_reason,performed_via_github_app,reactions,draft,state_reason 1816830546,I_kwDODEm0Qs5sSqJS,73,Twitter v1 API shutdown,6341745,open,0,,,0,2023-07-22T16:57:41Z,2023-07-22T16:57:41Z,,NONE,,"I've been using this project reliably over the past two years to periodically download my liked tweets, but unfortunately since 19th July I get: ``` [2023-07-19 21:00:04.937536] File ""/home/pi/code/liked-tweets/lib/python3.7/site-packages/twitter_to_sqlite/"", line 202, in fetch_timeline [2023-07-19 21:00:04.937606] raise Exception(str(tweets[""errors""])) [2023-07-19 21:00:04.937678] Exception: [{'message': 'You currently have access to a subset of Twitter API v2 endpoints and limited v1.1 endpoints (e.g. media post, oauth) only. If you need access to this endpoint, you may need a different access level. You can learn more here:', 'code': 453}] ``` It appears like Twitter has now shut down their v1 endpoints, which is rather gracious of them, considering they [announced they'd be deprecated on 29th April]( Unfortunately [retrieving likes using the v2 API]( is not part of their [free plan]( In fact, with the free plan one can only post and delete tweets and retrieve information about oneself. So I'm afraid this is the end of this very nice project. It was very useful, thank you! ",206156866,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 1, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 1}",, 1524431805,I_kwDODEm0Qs5a3Pu9,72,"Import thread, including self- and others' replies",601708,open,0,,,0,2023-01-08T09:51:06Z,2023-01-08T09:51:06Z,,NONE,,"statuses-lookup, home-timeline, mentions (only for auth'ed user) don't cover this. `twitter-to-sqlite fetch-thread tw-group1.db 1234123412341234` twitter-to-sqlite focuses on archiving users, but does not easily support archiving conversations or community activity. For reference, this is [implemented in twarc](, using a search, optionally recursively. Other research suggests that this formerly, or currently, requires a [search query](, use of [undocumented `related_results` api](, or with requested inclusion of [newer conversation_id]( with subsequent query. ",206156866,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",, 1097332098,I_kwDODEm0Qs5BZ_WC,64,Include all entities for tweets,111631,open,0,,,0,2022-01-09T23:35:28Z,2022-01-09T23:35:28Z,,NONE,,"Per our conversation [on Twitter]( It would be neat if all entities (including URLs) were captured. This way you can ensure, that URLs are parsed out exactly the same way Twitter parses URLs – we all know parsing URLs with a regex ain't fun. Right now, I believe the tool filters out all entities that are not of type `media`.",206156866,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",, 1091850530,I_kwDODEm0Qs5BFFEi,63,Import archive error 'withheld_in_countries',521097,open,0,,,0,2022-01-01T16:58:59Z,2022-01-01T16:58:59Z,,NONE,,"Importing the twitter archive I received this error: ```bash $ twitter-to-sqlite import archive.db birdwatch-note-rating: not yet implemented birdwatch-note: not yet implemented branch-links: not yet implemented community-tweet: not yet implemented contact: not yet implemented device-token: not yet implemented direct-message-mute: not yet implemented mute: not yet implemented periscope-account-information: not yet implemented periscope-ban-information: not yet implemented periscope-broadcast-metadata: not yet implemented periscope-comments-made-by-user: not yet implemented periscope-expired-broadcasts: not yet implemented periscope-followers: not yet implemented periscope-profile-description: not yet implemented professional-data: not yet implemented protected-history: not yet implemented reply-prompt: not yet implemented screen-name-change: not yet implemented smartblock: not yet implemented spaces-metadata: not yet implemented sso: not yet implemented Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/home/paulox/.virtualenvs/dogsheep/bin/twitter-to-sqlite"", line 8, in sys.exit(cli()) File ""/home/paulox/.virtualenvs/dogsheep/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/"", line 1128, in __call__ return self.main(*args, **kwargs) File ""/home/paulox/.virtualenvs/dogsheep/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/"", line 1053, in main rv = self.invoke(ctx) File ""/home/paulox/.virtualenvs/dogsheep/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/"", line 1659, in invoke return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx)) File ""/home/paulox/.virtualenvs/dogsheep/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/"", line 1395, in invoke return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params) File ""/home/paulox/.virtualenvs/dogsheep/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/"", line 754, in invoke return __callback(*args, **kwargs) File ""/home/paulox/.virtualenvs/dogsheep/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twitter_to_sqlite/"", line 759, in import_ archive.import_from_file(db, filename, content) File ""/home/paulox/.virtualenvs/dogsheep/lib/python3.9/site-packages/twitter_to_sqlite/"", line 246, in import_from_file db[table_name].insert_all(rows, pk=pk, replace=True) File ""/home/paulox/.virtualenvs/dogsheep/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlite_utils/"", line 2625, in insert_all self.insert_chunk( File ""/home/paulox/.virtualenvs/dogsheep/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlite_utils/"", line 2406, in insert_chunk result = self.db.execute(query, params) File ""/home/paulox/.virtualenvs/dogsheep/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlite_utils/"", line 422, in execute return self.conn.execute(sql, parameters) sqlite3.OperationalError: table archive_tweet has no column named withheld_in_countries ``` I found only a single tweet with the key `withheld_in_countries` in `tweet.js` that seems the problems: ```JSON [ { ""tweet"" : { ""retweeted"" : false, ""source"" : ""Twitter for Android"", ""entities"" : { ""hashtags"" : [ { ""text"" : ""NowOnAndroid"", ""indices"" : [ ""64"", ""77"" ] } ], ""symbols"" : [ ], ""user_mentions"" : [ { ""name"" : ""Periscope"", ""screen_name"" : ""PeriscopeCo"", ""indices"" : [ ""3"", ""15"" ], ""id_str"" : ""1111111111"", ""id"" : ""222222222"" } ], ""urls"" : [ { ""url"" : """", ""expanded_url"" : """", ""display_url"" : """", ""indices"" : [ ""78"", ""101"" ] } ] }, ""display_text_range"" : [ ""0"", ""101"" ], ""favorite_count"" : ""0"", ""id_str"" : ""1111111111111111111111"", ""truncated"" : false, ""retweet_count"" : ""0"", ""withheld_in_countries"" : [ ""TR"" ], ""id"" : ""000000000000000000"", ""possibly_sensitive"" : false, ""created_at"" : ""Fri Aug 14 06:04:03 +0000 2015"", ""favorited"" : false, ""full_text"" : ""RT @periscopeco: Travel the world. LIVE. The Global Map is here #NowOnAndroid"", ""lang"" : ""en"" } } ] ``` I solved the error removing the key from the `tweet.js` but I'm reporting this error to improve the project.",206156866,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,