id,node_id,number,title,user,state,locked,assignee,milestone,comments,created_at,updated_at,closed_at,author_association,pull_request,body,repo,type,active_lock_reason,performed_via_github_app,reactions,draft,state_reason 1578609658,I_kwDOBm6k_c5eF6v6,2022,Error 500 - not clear the cause,1667631,closed,0,,,1,2023-02-09T20:57:17Z,2023-02-09T21:13:50Z,2023-02-09T21:13:50Z,NONE,,"On the database that I have sent via linkedIn, datasette works great, but the following URL gives a 500 error. The cause of the error is not apparent. Is this expected behaviour? David",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 1501900064,I_kwDOBm6k_c5ZhS0g,1966,Broken link to live demo in Getting started docs,7551922,closed,0,,,1,2022-12-18T13:17:00Z,2022-12-31T19:15:19Z,2022-12-31T19:15:10Z,NONE,,The link in [Play with a live demo in Getting started]( to []( is broken and the datasette is no longer working (maybe due to the end of the free tier).,107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 1251710928,I_kwDOBm6k_c5Km5fQ,1751,Add scrollbars to table presentation in default layout,408765,closed,0,,,1,2022-05-28T19:44:57Z,2022-05-28T19:52:17Z,2022-05-28T19:52:17Z,NONE,,"(As you will be able to tell from the terminology I use, I am not a frontend guy, but I hope you will understand.) When a table is wide and needs horizontal scrolling to see the columns towards the end, the user needs to scroll horizontally. However, since the container for the HTML table (`div` with class `table-wrapper`) isn't limited by the window size, I first need to vertically scroll near to the bottom of the page in order to scroll horizontally. Then I can scroll back up again. This isn't very user friendly. Instead, I think it would make sense to constrain the table's size (when necessary), so that the vertical and horizontal scrollbars either always are visible or at least not far out of reach. I understand that I could provide my own template and / or CSS, but I think it would probably make sense to adjust the default in this regard.",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 1170497629,I_kwDOBm6k_c5FxGBd,1662,[feature request] Publish to fully static website,32609395,closed,0,,,1,2022-03-16T03:32:28Z,2022-03-19T00:42:23Z,2022-03-19T00:42:23Z,NONE,,"It seems currently all datasette publish requires a real backend server which is able to query the database and send results back to the frontend. There are a few projects to on-demand download a portion of data from the database from a sqlite lite database url, and present it directly to the user. These methods leverages web assembly under the hood. I think datasette is a perfect use case for this technology. Below are a few examples of querying sqlite database from frontend directly. * [Using sqlite3 as a notekeeping document graph with automatic reference indexing]( * [Hosting SQLite databases on Github Pages - (or any static file hoster) - phiresky's blog]( * [Static torrent website with peer-to-peer queries over BitTorrent on 2M records](",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 1, ""+1"": 1, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 1076057610,I_kwDOBm6k_c5AI1YK,1546,validating the sql,50336793,closed,0,,,1,2021-12-09T21:35:57Z,2021-12-18T02:05:17Z,2021-12-18T02:05:16Z,NONE,,Could someone tell me that part of the code is responsible for validating the sql that guarantees that only a table can be read,107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 1028115674,I_kwDOBm6k_c49R8za,1493,`--get '/:memory:.json?sql=select+3*5'` error with datasette 0.59,1580956,closed,0,,,1,2021-10-16T18:22:22Z,2021-10-19T04:39:11Z,2021-10-19T04:39:11Z,NONE,,"👋 trying to upgrade the formula to use the latest release, but runs into some regression test issue with `--get` command. My QQ is does this `datasette --get '/:memory:.json?sql=select+3*5'` supposed to return 15? Thanks! relates to",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 925406964,MDU6SXNzdWU5MjU0MDY5NjQ=,1382,Datasette with Glitch - is it possible to use CSV with ISO-8859-1 encoding?,23701514,closed,0,,,1,2021-06-19T14:37:20Z,2021-06-20T00:21:02Z,2021-06-20T00:20:06Z,NONE,,"Hi Please, I used Remix on Glitch to create a project on Glitch and uploaded a CSV But it's a CSV with ISO-8859-1 encoding ( Is it possible for me to change the encoding to correctly visualize the data? Example: Best",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 508100844,MDU6SXNzdWU1MDgxMDA4NDQ=,598,Character encoding bug with CSV export,46313,closed,0,,,1,2019-10-16T21:09:30Z,2021-06-17T18:13:20Z,2019-10-18T22:52:21Z,NONE,,"I was just poking around, and at [this URL](, I encountered this error: ``` 'latin-1' codec can't encode character '\u2019' in position 27: ordinal not in range(256) ``` ",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 656959584,MDU6SXNzdWU2NTY5NTk1ODQ=,893,pip3 install datasette not serving static on linuxbrew.,44167,closed,0,,,1,2020-07-14T23:33:38Z,2021-06-02T04:29:56Z,2021-06-02T04:29:56Z,NONE,,"*This error wasn't thrown* ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/python@3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasette/utils/"", line 289, in inner_static full_path.relative_to(root_path) File ""/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/python@3.8/lib/python3.8/"", line 904, in relative_to raise ValueError(""{!r} does not start with {!r}"" ValueError: '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasette/static/app.css' does not start with '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/python@3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/datasette/static' ``` Linuxbrew install python@3.8 with symbolic links when You call the full_path.relative_to(root_path) throw ValueError. This happened when you install from pip3 when you install with python3 develop , works good. Well at the end the static wasn't serving. ",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 756818250,MDU6SXNzdWU3NTY4MTgyNTA=,1127,Make the custom SQL query text box larger or resizable,596279,closed,0,,,1,2020-12-04T05:37:11Z,2021-06-02T04:29:06Z,2021-06-02T04:28:55Z,NONE,,"The text entry field for custom SQL queries is too small to display a moderately complex query, especially when it's been formatted. Would it be easy to make the textbox resizable by the user rather than having a fixed height?",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 891969037,MDU6SXNzdWU4OTE5NjkwMzc=,1326,How to limit fields returned from the JSON API?,5268174,closed,0,,,1,2021-05-14T14:27:41Z,2021-05-23T02:55:06Z,2021-05-23T02:55:00Z,NONE,,"Hi, I have quite wide tables, and in many cases only want a subset of the data (to save on network bandwidth). I need to use the JSON API as handling pagination is so much easier, but I can't see a way to select specific columns. Is there a way to do this, or is it a feature request? Thanks!",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 837208901,MDU6SXNzdWU4MzcyMDg5MDE=,1267,Update Datasette alternativeto listening with details,921217,closed,0,,,1,2021-03-21T23:20:20Z,2021-03-22T04:37:26Z,2021-03-22T04:37:26Z,NONE,,"Hello, I recently learned about Datasette from an old hackernews post. It seems like an awesome project and I actually have use case I might be trying out in the coming months. Alas, to get a better understanding of your project I looked it up on alternativeto to see what it is similar too. I promise it's not spam, it's reputable enough to have a [Wikipedia]( page. There was no listing on the website so I went ahead and created a listing that is now approved. I encourage anyone who likes this project and hopes to spread the word to help update the listing by: 1. Adding to the list of software it compares to 2. Uploading screenshots 3. Writing a review 4. Adding ""features"" I know this may seem spammy but I promise I have no affiliation with alternativeto I'm just a happy user and know it's a popular site for discovering software. Here is the listing for datasette: Cheers",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 1, ""+1"": 1, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 823035080,MDU6SXNzdWU4MjMwMzUwODA=,1248,duckdb database (very low performance in SQLite),15836677,closed,0,,,1,2021-03-05T12:20:29Z,2021-03-08T00:25:27Z,2021-03-08T00:25:27Z,NONE,,"My sqlite is getting too big to be processed by datasette (more than 10 minutes waiting to load) so I am working with duckdb and is waaaaay faster. I think the fastest embeddable database actually. Taking into account DuckDb is SQLite based it would be GREAT to use it with datasette. is that possible? Regards and thanks for a superb job",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 791381623,MDU6SXNzdWU3OTEzODE2MjM=,1197,DB size limit for publishing with Heroku,1186275,closed,0,,,1,2021-01-21T18:08:43Z,2021-01-24T20:53:44Z,2021-01-24T20:53:44Z,NONE,,"Hello, I tried searching for this, but can't seem to get a great answer: Does anybody know the size limit for databases deploying to Heroku? The files I'm working with are pretty large, but I might be able to pare them down if I have a limit in mind. I'm getting the following error when running `datasette heroku publish`: `RangeError [ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE]: The value ""14504095744"" is invalid for option ""size""`",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 435819321,MDU6SXNzdWU0MzU4MTkzMjE=,436,400 Error when trying to register new user via,317694,closed,0,,,1,2019-04-22T17:55:00Z,2021-01-04T20:15:42Z,2021-01-04T20:15:41Z,NONE,,"Behavior: When registering a new user via Zeit - confirmation is sent and screen acknowledges registered user... When clicking grant access the next screen is a white 400 error message. Replicated: Chrome and Firefox; 2 different email accounts",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 551834842,MDU6SXNzdWU1NTE4MzQ4NDI=,659,README information is obscured by feature history,55480210,closed,0,,,1,2020-01-18T22:34:51Z,2020-12-10T23:28:51Z,2020-12-10T23:28:51Z,NONE,,"While it's sometimes valuable to know how a project has developed, there is usually little justification for including this information in the README, and certainly not immediately after other key information such as ""what does this package do, and who might want to use it?"" Might I recommend that the feature history is migrated to an Appendix in the documentation?",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 743011397,MDU6SXNzdWU3NDMwMTEzOTc=,1094,import EX_CANTCREAT means datasette fails to work on Windows,1049910,closed,0,,,1,2020-11-14T14:17:11Z,2020-12-05T19:35:04Z,2020-12-05T19:35:04Z,NONE,,"Trying to use datasette 0.51.1 gives the following error: ``` ImportError: cannot import name 'EX_CANTCREAT' from 'os' (C:\Users\drkan\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\ ``` Looks like that code is only available on unix: Removing the line makes it work fine (`EX_CANTCREAT` doesn't seem to be used anywhere?)",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 3, ""+1"": 3, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 473307794,MDU6SXNzdWU0NzMzMDc3OTQ=,565,Conflict between datasette and uvicorn click versions,440503,closed,0,,,1,2019-07-26T11:13:40Z,2020-10-02T00:09:55Z,2020-10-02T00:09:55Z,NONE,,"Hello Datasette is awesome thanks so much! I not very familiar with Python but I think there is a problem with datasette docker builds I keep getting this error ``` ERROR: uvicorn 0.8.4 has requirement click==7.*, but you'll have click 6.0 which is incompatible. ERROR: datasette 0.29.2 has requirement click~=7.0, but you'll have click 6.0 which is incompatible. ``` The full log from the docker build is here - Just in case it’s helpful this is my setup -",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 699947574,MDU6SXNzdWU2OTk5NDc1NzQ=,963,Currently selected array facets are not correctly persisted through hidden form fields,649467,closed,0,,5818042,1,2020-09-12T01:49:17Z,2020-09-12T21:54:29Z,2020-09-12T21:54:09Z,NONE,,"Faceted search uses JSON array elements as facets rather than the arrays. However, if a search is ""Apply""ed (using the Apply button), the array itself rather than its elements used. To reproduce: Press ""Apply"", which might be done when removing a filter. Notice that the ""tags"" facet values are now arrays, not array elements. It appears the ""&_facet_array=tags"" element of the query string is dropped.",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 660827546,MDU6SXNzdWU2NjA4Mjc1NDY=,899,How to setup a request limit per user,133845,closed,0,,,1,2020-07-19T13:08:25Z,2020-07-31T23:54:42Z,2020-07-31T23:54:42Z,NONE,,"Hello, Until now I'm using datasette without any authentication system but I would like to setup a configuration or limiting the number of requests per user (eventually by IP or with a cookie mechanism) and eventually allowing me to ban specific users/IPs. Is there a plugin available for this use case ? If not what are your insights regarding this UC ? Should I write a plugin ? Should I deploy datasette behind a reverse proxy to manage this ? ",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 611835285,MDU6SXNzdWU2MTE4MzUyODU=,752,Non-utf8 encoding in exceptionhandlers and custom-pages,2181410,closed,0,,,1,2020-05-04T12:24:42Z,2020-05-04T17:42:20Z,2020-05-04T17:42:20Z,NONE,,"Hi Simon. Whenever a response is not piped through a router-view, the template is encoded in latin-1 (I think). This is especially a problem (for me) with the new custom_pages-functionality, but also problematic with the 404- and 500-handlers. Thanks!",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 453243459,MDU6SXNzdWU0NTMyNDM0NTk=,503,Handle SQLite databases with spaces in their names?,7936571,closed,0,9599,,1,2019-06-06T21:20:59Z,2019-11-04T23:16:30Z,2019-11-04T23:16:30Z,NONE,,"I named my SQLite database ""Government workers"" and published it to Heroku. When I clicked the ""Government workers"" database online it lead to a 404 page: `Database not found: Government%20workers`. I believe this is because the database name has a space.",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 476437213,MDU6SXNzdWU0NzY0MzcyMTM=,566,Unexpected keyword argument 'hidden',8330931,closed,0,,,1,2019-08-03T10:07:57Z,2019-08-03T16:13:36Z,2019-08-03T16:13:36Z,NONE,,"I couldn't get a test example running. I am running python 3.6.8 and tried both windows and windows subsystem for linux, getting the same error. My test.db was created by converting a five line csv file with csvs-to-sqlite. The csv file is: col1, col2, col3 1,2,3 4,5,6 7,8,9 10,11,12 Here is the error message: (myvenv) davido@DESKTOP-L29G79U:~/dot/datasette-eg$ datasette test.db Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/home/davido/dot/datasette-eg/myvenv/bin/datasette"", line 7, in from datasette.cli import cli File ""/home/davido/dot/datasette-eg/myvenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/datasette/"", line 2, in import uvicorn File ""/home/davido/dot/datasette-eg/myvenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/uvicorn/"", line 2, in from uvicorn.main import Server, main, run File ""/home/davido/dot/datasette-eg/myvenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/uvicorn/"", line 224, in headers: typing.List[str], File ""/home/davido/dot/datasette-eg/myvenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 170, in decorator _param_memo(f, OptionClass(param_decls, **attrs)) File ""/home/davido/dot/datasette-eg/myvenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/"", line 1430, in __init__ Parameter.__init__(self, param_decls, type=type, **attrs) TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'hidden' Thanks.",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 450862577,MDU6SXNzdWU0NTA4NjI1Nzc=,496,Additional options to gcloud build command in cloudrun - timeout,1740337,closed,0,,,1,2019-05-31T15:43:55Z,2019-05-31T23:05:05Z,2019-05-31T23:05:05Z,NONE,,"I am trying to deploy a 3.1 GB dataset to cloudrun with datasette. Currrently the docker build times out. Would be nice to have a timeout flag or additional gcloud commands that could be specified. Here is the line I would be happy to submit a PR to allow for a timeout option. What are your ideas of allowing the user additional build publishing flag options?",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 408518024,MDU6SXNzdWU0MDg1MTgwMjQ=,410,How to setup a multi database environment?,30607,closed,0,,,1,2019-02-10T09:39:24Z,2019-04-12T04:42:28Z,2019-04-12T04:42:27Z,NONE,,"Hi, first of all I need to write that Simon Willison and datasette are really great. I have probably a stupid question, but it seems to me that I do not have the reply in the documentation. I have installed datasette and run it with `datasette mydb.db`, and I can reach it on ``. But how to work with more than one db? Imagine I have ten sqlite databases, and that I need to explore/query these via datasette, how to run datasette? Is it possibile to create a sort of db index and than run `datasette serve myindex`? Thank you",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 392610803,MDU6SXNzdWUzOTI2MTA4MDM=,391,Google Trends example doesn’t work,229881,closed,0,,,1,2018-12-19T13:51:38Z,2019-01-02T19:45:13Z,2019-01-02T19:45:12Z,NONE,," I see a cloud flare error. ",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 282971961,MDU6SXNzdWUyODI5NzE5NjE=,175,"Add project topic ""automatic-api""",3179832,closed,0,,,1,2017-12-18T18:09:17Z,2017-12-21T18:33:55Z,2017-12-21T18:33:55Z,NONE,,"Hi there! Could you add the ~~tag~~ topic `automatic-api` to your repository? I am [making a list]( of all projects that automatically expose APIs to databases. (Your Show HN made me do it. :-) I knew about PostgREST and PostGraphQL, but it took adding Datasette to sell me on the concept.) They will be easier to discover if there is a standard GitHub tag, and `automatic-api` seems as good a candidate as any. Two projects [already use it](",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed 274161964,MDU6SXNzdWUyNzQxNjE5NjQ=,101,TemplateAssertionError: no filter named 'tojson',450244,closed,0,,,1,2017-11-15T13:47:32Z,2017-11-15T13:48:55Z,2017-11-15T13:48:55Z,NONE,,"I get an exception clicking on the table link: ``` 2017-11-15 08:40:10 - (sanic)[ERROR]: Traceback (most recent call last): File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sanic/"", line 503, in handle_request response = await response File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/datasette/"", line 155, in get return await self.view_get(request, name, hash, **kwargs) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/datasette/"", line 219, in view_get **context, File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sanic_jinja2/"", line 84, in render return html(self.render_string(template, request, **context)) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sanic_jinja2/"", line 81, in render_string return self.env.get_template(template).render(**context) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 812, in get_template return self._load_template(name, self.make_globals(globals)) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 786, in _load_template template = self.loader.load(self, name, globals) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 125, in load code = environment.compile(source, name, filename) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 565, in compile self.handle_exception(exc_info, source_hint=source_hint) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 754, in handle_exception reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 37, in reraise raise value.with_traceback(tb) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/datasette/templates/table.html"", line 29, in template
params = {{ query.params|tojson(4) }}
File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 515, in _generate return generate(source, self, name, filename, defer_init=defer_init) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 62, in generate generator.visit(node) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 38, in visit return f(node, *args, **kwargs) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 849, in visit_Template self.blockvisit(block.body, block_frame) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 492, in blockvisit self.visit(node, frame) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 38, in visit return f(node, *args, **kwargs) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 1172, in visit_If self.blockvisit(node.body, if_frame) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 492, in blockvisit self.visit(node, frame) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 38, in visit return f(node, *args, **kwargs) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 1353, in visit_Output self.visit(argument, frame) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 38, in visit return f(node, *args, **kwargs) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 1565, in visit_Filter'no filter named %r' %, node.lineno) File ""/Users/e/anaconda3-4.2.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/jinja2/"", line 427, in fail raise TemplateAssertionError(msg, lineno,, self.filename) jinja2.exceptions.TemplateAssertionError: no filter named 'tojson' ```",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,completed