id,node_id,number,title,user,state,locked,assignee,milestone,comments,created_at,updated_at,closed_at,author_association,pull_request,body,repo,type,active_lock_reason,performed_via_github_app,reactions,draft,state_reason 1855885427,I_kwDOBm6k_c5unpBz,2143,De-tangling Metadata before Datasette 1.0,15178711,open,0,,,24,2023-08-18T00:51:50Z,2023-08-24T18:28:27Z,,CONTRIBUTOR,,"Metadata in Datasette is a really powerful feature, but is a bit difficult to work with. It was initially a way to add ""metadata"" about your ""data"" in Datasette instances, like descriptions for databases/tables/columns, titles, source URLs, licenses, etc. But it later became the go-to spot for other Datasette features that have nothing to do with metadata, like permissions/plugins/canned queries. Specifically, I've found the following problems when working with Datasette metadata: 1. Metadata cannot be updated without re-starting the entire Datasette instance. 2. The `metadata.json`/`metadata.yaml` has become a kitchen sink of unrelated (imo) features like plugin config, authentication config, canned queries 3. The Python APIs for defining extra metadata are a bit awkward (the `datasette.metadata()` class, `get_metadata()` hook, etc.) ## Possible solutions Here's a few ideas of Datasette core changes we can make to address these problems. ### Re-vamp the Datasette Python metadata APIs The Datasette object has a single `datasette.metadata()` method that's a bit difficult to work with. There's also no Python API for inserted new metadata, so plugins have to rely on the `get_metadata()` hook. The `get_metadata()` hook can also be improved - it doesn't work with async functions yet, so you're quite limited to what you can do. (I'm a bit fuzzy on what to actually do here, but I imagine it'll be very small breaking changes to a few Python methods) ### Add an optional `datasette_metadata` table Datasette should detect and use metadata stored in a new special table called `datasette_metadata`. This would be a regular table that a user can edit on their own, and would serve as a ""live updating"" source of metadata, than can be changed while the Datasette instance is running. Not too sure what the schema would look like, but I'd imagine: ```sql CREATE TABLE datasette_metadata( level text, target any, key text, value any, primary key (level, target) ) ``` Every row in this table would map to a single metadata ""entry"". - `level` would be one of ""datasette"", ""database"", ""table"", ""column"", which is the ""level"" the entry describes. For example, `level=""table""` means it is metadata about a specific table, `level=""database""` for a specific database, or `level=""datasette""` for the entire Datasette instance. - `target` would ""point"" to the specific object the entry metadata is about, and would depend on what `level` is specific. - `level=""database""`: `target` would be the string name of the database that the metadata entry is about. ex `""fixtures""` - `level=""table""`: `target` would be a JSON array of two strings. The first element would be the database name, and the second would be the table name. ex `[""fixtures"", ""students""]` - `level=""column""`: `target` would be a JSON array of 3 strings: The database name, table name, and column name. Ex `[""fixtures"", ""students"", ""student_id""`] - `key` would be the type of metadata entry the row has, similar to the current ""keys"" that exist in `metadata.json`. Ex `""about_url""`, `""source""`, `""description""`, etc - `value` would be the text value of be metadata entry. The literal text value of a description, about_url, column_label, etc A quick sample: level | target | key | value -- | -- | -- | -- datasette | NULL | title | my datasette title... db | fixtures | source | table | [""fixtures"", ""students""] | label_column | student_name column | [""fixtures"", ""students"", ""birthdate""] | description | This `datasette_metadata` would be configured with other tools, and hopefully not manually by end users. Datasette Core could also offer a UI for editing entries in `datasette_metadata`, to update descriptions/columns on the fly. ### Re-vamp `metadata.json` and move non-metadata config to another place The motivation behind this is that it's awkward that `metadata.json` contains config about things that are not strictly metadata, including: - Plugin configuration - [Authentication/permissions]( (ex the `allow` key on datasettes/databases/tables - Canned queries. might be controversial, but in my mind, canned queries are application-specific code and configuration, and don't describe the data that exists in SQLite databases. I think we should move these outside of `metadata.json` and into a different file. The `datasette.json` idea in #2093 may be a good solution here: plugin/permissions/canned queries can be defined in `datasette.json`, while `metadata.json`/`datasette_metadata` will strictly be about documenting databases/tables/columns. ",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",, 1857234285,I_kwDOBm6k_c5usyVt,2145,If a row has a primary key of `null` various things break,9599,open,0,,,23,2023-08-18T20:06:28Z,2023-08-21T17:30:01Z,,OWNER,,"Stumbled across this while experimenting with `datasette-write-ui`. The error I got was a 500 on the `/db` page: > `'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'` Tracked it down to this code, which assembles the URL for a row page: That's because `tilde_encode` can't handle `None`: ",107914493,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",, 1856075668,I_kwDOCGYnMM5uoXeU,586,.transform() fails to drop column if table is part of a view,9599,open,0,,,3,2023-08-18T05:25:22Z,2023-08-18T06:13:47Z,,OWNER,,"I got this error trying to drop a column from a table that was part of a SQL view: > error in view plugins: no such table: main.pypi_releases Upon further investigation I found that this pattern seemed to fix it: ```python def transform_the_table(conn): # Run this in a transaction: with conn: # We have to read all the views first, because we need to drop and recreate them db = sqlite_utils.Database(conn) views = { v.schema for v in db.views if table.lower() in v.schema.lower()} for view in views.keys(): db[view].drop() db[table].transform( types=types, rename=rename, drop=drop, column_order=[p[0] for p in order_pairs], ) # Now recreate the views for name, schema in views.items(): db.create_view(name, schema) ``` So grab a copy of any view that might reference this table, start a transaction, drop those views, run the transform, recreate the views again. > I wonder if this should become an option in `sqlite-utils`? Maybe a `recreate_views=True` argument for `table.tranform(...)`? Should it be opt-in or opt-out? _Originally posted by @simonw in ",140912432,issue,,,"{""url"": """", ""total_count"": 0, ""+1"": 0, ""-1"": 0, ""laugh"": 0, ""hooray"": 0, ""confused"": 0, ""heart"": 0, ""rocket"": 0, ""eyes"": 0}",,