2 rows where comments = 6, repo = 140912432 and type = "pull" sorted by updated_at descending
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
Suggested facets: created_at (date), updated_at (date), closed_at (date)
id | node_id | number | title | user | state | locked | assignee | milestone | comments | created_at | updated_at ▲ | closed_at | author_association | pull_request | body | repo | type | active_lock_reason | performed_via_github_app | reactions | draft | state_reason |
1348294436 | PR_kwDOCGYnMM49qP2V | 468 | db[table].create(..., transform=True) and create-table --transform | simonw 9599 | closed | 0 | 3.29 8355157 | 6 | 2022-08-23T17:27:58Z | 2022-08-27T23:17:55Z | 2022-08-27T23:17:55Z | OWNER | simonw/sqlite-utils/pulls/468 | Work in progress. Still needs documentation and tests (and to cover more cases of things that might have changed). Refs: - #467 :books: Documentation preview :books:: |
sqlite-utils 140912432 | pull | { "url": "", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 } |
0 | ||||
763320133 | MDExOlB1bGxSZXF1ZXN0NTM3NzkxNjc1 | 208 | sqlite-utils analyze-tables command and table.analyze_column() method | simonw 9599 | closed | 0 | 6 | 2020-12-12T05:27:49Z | 2020-12-13T07:20:16Z | 2020-12-13T07:20:12Z | OWNER | simonw/sqlite-utils/pulls/208 | Refs #207
sqlite-utils 140912432 | pull | { "url": "", "total_count": 0, "+1": 0, "-1": 0, "laugh": 0, "hooray": 0, "confused": 0, "heart": 0, "rocket": 0, "eyes": 0 } |
0 |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE [issues] ( [id] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, [node_id] TEXT, [number] INTEGER, [title] TEXT, [user] INTEGER REFERENCES [users]([id]), [state] TEXT, [locked] INTEGER, [assignee] INTEGER REFERENCES [users]([id]), [milestone] INTEGER REFERENCES [milestones]([id]), [comments] INTEGER, [created_at] TEXT, [updated_at] TEXT, [closed_at] TEXT, [author_association] TEXT, [pull_request] TEXT, [body] TEXT, [repo] INTEGER REFERENCES [repos]([id]), [type] TEXT , [active_lock_reason] TEXT, [performed_via_github_app] TEXT, [reactions] TEXT, [draft] INTEGER, [state_reason] TEXT); CREATE INDEX [idx_issues_repo] ON [issues] ([repo]); CREATE INDEX [idx_issues_milestone] ON [issues] ([milestone]); CREATE INDEX [idx_issues_assignee] ON [issues] ([assignee]); CREATE INDEX [idx_issues_user] ON [issues] ([user]);