labels_id,labels_id_label,issues_id,issues_id_label 1543154280,bug,504238461,sqlite3.OperationalError: table users has no column named bio 1543154280,bug,516769276,Commands do not work without an auth.json file 1543154280,bug,520756546,Add this view for seeing new releases 1543154280,bug,546051181,Exception running first command: IndexError: list index out of range 1543154280,bug,585411547,Commits in GitHub API can have null author 1543154280,bug,586567379,Handle empty git repositories 1543154280,bug,601271612,Topics are missing from repositories 1543154280,bug,601330277,Repos have a big blob of JSON in the organization column 1543154280,bug,603617013,Milestones should have foreign key to creator and repo 1543154280,bug,603618244,Issues milestone column is the wrong type 1543154280,bug,604222295,Issue comments don't appear to populate issues foreign key 1543154280,bug,613777056,issues foreign key to repo isn't working 1543154280,bug,637899539,Demo deploy is broken 1543154280,bug,651159727,Demo is failing to deploy 1543154280,bug,660429601,Fix the demo - it breaks because of the tags table change 1543154280,bug,753026388,github-to-sqlite workflows does not correctly replace existing records 1543154280,bug,758944006,--readme throws 404 error if README does not exist in repo 1543154280,bug,769150394,Readme HTML has broken internal links 1543154280,bug,1308461063,500 error in github-to-sqlite demo 1543154280,bug,1570375808,Deploy demo job is failing due to rate limit