{"labels_id": {"value": 727708736, "label": "good first issue"}, "issues_id": {"value": 325294102, "label": "Build smallest possible Docker image with Datasette plus recent SQLite (with json1) plus Spatialite 4.4.0"}} {"labels_id": {"value": 727708736, "label": "good first issue"}, "issues_id": {"value": 275228834, "label": "\"Reformat SQL\" button next to SQL editor textarea"}} {"labels_id": {"value": 727708736, "label": "good first issue"}, "issues_id": {"value": 274662378, "label": "Fix the   bug on the database custom SQL query view"}} {"labels_id": {"value": 727708736, "label": "good first issue"}, "issues_id": {"value": 273660425, "label": "datasette package --metadata does not work with a relative path"}} {"labels_id": {"value": 727708736, "label": "good first issue"}, "issues_id": {"value": 273181020, "label": "Support for ?field__isnull=1 or similar"}} {"labels_id": {"value": 727708736, "label": "good first issue"}, "issues_id": {"value": 268262480, "label": "date, year, month and day querystring lookups"}}