html_url,id,node_id,tag_name,target_commitish,name,draft,author,prerelease,created_at,published_at,body,repo,reactions,33284522,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMzMjg0NTIy,0.51a2,main,0.51a2,0,9599,1,2020-10-30T17:56:02Z,2020-10-30T17:57:53Z,"- New [load_template(template, request, datasette)]( plugin hook. ([#1042]( - New [debug-menu]( permission. ([#1068](",107914493,,33253780,MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMzMjUzNzgw,0.51a1,main,0.51a1,0,9599,1,2020-10-30T05:35:23Z,2020-10-30T05:37:34Z,"- New colour scheme and improved visual design, courtesy of Natalie Downe. ([#1056]( - scale-in animation for column action menu. ([#1039]( - Wide tables now scroll horizontally. ([#998]( - Option to pass a list of templates to `.render_template()` is now documented. ([#1045]( - New `datasette.urls.static_plugins()` method. ([#1033]( - `BLOB` column values can now be downloaded directly from the Datasette UI. ([#1036]( - `.csv` exports now link to direct `BLOB` downloads. ([#1034]( - `datasette -o` option now opens the most relevant page. ([#976]( - `datasette --cors` option now enables access to `/database.db` downloads. ([#1057]( - Database file downloads now implement cascading permissions, so you can download a database if you have `view-database-download` permission even if you do not have permission to access the Datasette instance. ([#1058]( - New documentation on [Designing URLs for your plugin]( ([#1053]( - New navigation menu plus a [menu_links(datasette, actor)]( plugin hook to customize it. ([#1064]( - [table_actions(datasette, actor, database, table)]( plugin hook for the new table actions menu. ([#1066](",107914493,