{"html_url": "https://github.com/dogsheep/github-to-sqlite/releases/tag/2.6", "id": 31441882, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxNDQxODgy", "tag_name": "2.6", "target_commitish": "main", "name": "2.6", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2020-09-17T03:54:16Z", "published_at": "2020-09-17T03:55:03Z", "body": "- New `github-to-sqlite get /gists` command for making authenticated API calls against any API path. #50 ", "repo": {"value": 207052882, "label": "github-to-sqlite"}, "reactions": null} {"html_url": "https://github.com/dogsheep/dogsheep-beta/releases/tag/0.7", "id": 31501128, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxNTAxMTI4", "tag_name": "0.7", "target_commitish": "main", "name": "0.7", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2020-09-17T22:56:01Z", "published_at": "2020-09-17T22:57:09Z", "body": "- Option to sort by relevance / oldest / newest. #21 \r\n- Renamed `table` column to `type`. #17\r\n- New `-d` option for passing one or more databases to index. Without this all databases in the config file will be indexed.", "repo": {"value": 197431109, "label": "dogsheep-beta"}, "reactions": null} {"html_url": "https://github.com/dogsheep/dogsheep-beta/releases/tag/0.7.1", "id": 31501584, "node_id": "MDc6UmVsZWFzZTMxNTAxNTg0", "tag_name": "0.7.1", "target_commitish": "main", "name": "0.7.1", "draft": 0, "author": {"value": 9599, "label": "simonw"}, "prerelease": 0, "created_at": "2020-09-17T23:13:01Z", "published_at": "2020-09-17T23:13:46Z", "body": "- Fixed bug with sort orders displayed for the timeline view. #22", "repo": {"value": 197431109, "label": "dogsheep-beta"}, "reactions": null}