{"id": 133396, "seq": 1, "job": {"value": 26772, "label": "mirror"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": "zofrex/mirror-branch@ea152f124954fa4eb26eea3fe0dbe313a3a08d94", "name": "Mirror to \"master\"", "with": "{\"target-branch\": \"master\", \"force\": false}", "run": null, "env": null, "if": null} {"id": 133397, "seq": 2, "job": {"value": 26772, "label": "mirror"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": "zofrex/mirror-branch@ea152f124954fa4eb26eea3fe0dbe313a3a08d94", "name": "Mirror to \"main\"", "with": "{\"target-branch\": \"main\", \"force\": false}", "run": null, "env": null, "if": null} {"id": 138802, "seq": 1, "job": {"value": 27858, "label": "deploy-branch-preview"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": "actions/checkout@v3", "name": null, "with": null, "run": null, "env": null, "if": null} {"id": 138803, "seq": 2, "job": {"value": 27858, "label": "deploy-branch-preview"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": "actions/setup-python@v4", "name": "Set up Python 3.11", "with": "{\"python-version\": \"3.11\"}", "run": null, "env": null, "if": null} {"id": 138804, "seq": 3, "job": {"value": 27858, "label": "deploy-branch-preview"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": null, "name": "Install dependencies", "with": null, "run": "pip install datasette-publish-vercel\n", "env": null, "if": null} {"id": 138806, "seq": 1, "job": {"value": 27859, "label": "deploy"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": "actions/checkout@v3", "name": "Check out datasette", "with": null, "run": null, "env": null, "if": null} {"id": 138807, "seq": 2, "job": {"value": 27859, "label": "deploy"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": "actions/setup-python@v4", "name": "Set up Python", "with": "{\"python-version\": \"3.9\"}", "run": null, "env": null, "if": null} {"id": 138808, "seq": 3, "job": {"value": 27859, "label": "deploy"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": "actions/cache@v3", "name": "Configure pip caching", "with": "{\"path\": \"~/.cache/pip\", \"key\": \"${{ runner.os }}-pip-${{ hashFiles('**/setup.py') }}\", \"restore-keys\": \"${{ runner.os }}-pip-\\n\"}", "run": null, "env": null, "if": null} {"id": 138809, "seq": 4, "job": {"value": 27859, "label": "deploy"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": null, "name": "Install Python dependencies", "with": null, "run": "python -m pip install --upgrade pip\npython -m pip install -e .[test]\npython -m pip install -e .[docs]\npython -m pip install sphinx-to-sqlite==0.1a1\n", "env": null, "if": null} {"id": 138810, "seq": 5, "job": {"value": 27859, "label": "deploy"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": null, "name": "Run tests", "with": null, "run": "pytest -n auto -m \"not serial\"\npytest -m \"serial\"\n", "env": null, "if": "${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }}"} {"id": 138811, "seq": 6, "job": {"value": 27859, "label": "deploy"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": null, "name": "Build fixtures.db and other files needed to deploy the demo", "with": null, "run": "python tests/fixtures.py \\\n fixtures.db \\\n fixtures-config.json \\\n fixtures-metadata.json \\\n plugins \\\n --extra-db-filename extra_database.db", "env": null, "if": null} {"id": 138812, "seq": 7, "job": {"value": 27859, "label": "deploy"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": null, "name": "Build docs.db", "with": null, "run": "cd docs\nDISABLE_SPHINX_INLINE_TABS=1 sphinx-build -b xml . _build\nsphinx-to-sqlite ../docs.db _build\ncd ..", "env": null, "if": "${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }}"} {"id": 138813, "seq": 8, "job": {"value": 27859, "label": "deploy"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": null, "name": "Set up the alternate-route demo", "with": null, "run": "echo '\nfrom datasette import hookimpl\n\n@hookimpl\ndef startup(datasette):\n db = datasette.get_database(\"fixtures2\")\n db.route = \"alternative-route\"\n' > plugins/alternative_route.py\ncp fixtures.db fixtures2.db\n", "env": null, "if": null} {"id": 138814, "seq": 9, "job": {"value": 27859, "label": "deploy"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": null, "name": "And the counters writable canned query demo", "with": null, "run": "cat > plugins/counters.py <=0.2.2' \\\n --service \"datasette-latest$SUFFIX\" \\\n --secret $LATEST_DATASETTE_SECRET", "env": "{\"LATEST_DATASETTE_SECRET\": \"${{ secrets.LATEST_DATASETTE_SECRET }}\"}", "if": null} {"id": 138832, "seq": 5, "job": {"value": 27863, "label": "deploy"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": null, "name": "Publish", "with": null, "run": "python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel\ntwine upload dist/*\n", "env": "{\"TWINE_USERNAME\": \"__token__\", \"TWINE_PASSWORD\": \"${{ secrets.PYPI_TOKEN }}\"}", "if": null} {"id": 138805, "seq": 4, "job": {"value": 27858, "label": "deploy-branch-preview"}, "repo": {"value": 107914493, "label": "datasette"}, "uses": null, "name": "Deploy the preview", "with": null, "run": "export BRANCH=\"${{ github.event.inputs.branch }}\"\nwget https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures.db\ndatasette publish vercel fixtures.db \\\n --branch $BRANCH \\\n --project \"datasette-preview-$BRANCH\" \\\n --token $VERCEL_TOKEN \\\n --scope datasette \\\n --about \"Preview of $BRANCH\" \\\n --about_url \"https://github.com/simonw/datasette/tree/$BRANCH\"\n", "env": "{\"VERCEL_TOKEN\": \"${{ secrets.BRANCH_PREVIEW_VERCEL_TOKEN }}\"}", "if": null}